July 31, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (14)
Thought I'd share a sneak peek with you today of one of my upcoming new releases with Whipper Snapper. They're gearing up for the Fall/Winter release; you'll find details on their Facebook page where they've been sharing more sneak peeks of images in the release. How exciting!!
There are 166 full days remaining in the year (off topic, do you count down to Christmas?), and it looks like what's about left of July is going to be nothing but HOT. Unfortunately for us, August promises to be just as hot, or hotter. Maybe September will show us some mercy...
It's been difficult to keep the garden alive in this drought. In fact, I'm failing. I've got tomatoes still hanging on, but it's so hot that even though they are flowering, they aren't producing any tomatoes and they're starting to look rather tired. The okra is trying to produce, but even it wilts down in the sun (even with daily waterings). Then there are the ants, the aphids, the cucumber beetles, and the grasshoppers ... all doing their part in causing problems. I tell ya, it's exhausting. I'm planning on putting in a "fall" garden, and if I stick to schedule I should be starting tomato plant seeds about now, and getting ready to plant other seeds around August 1. But I'm not sure it will be possible to keep anything alive then, either!
How's the weather where you live?
July 18, 2011 in Garden: 2011, Gardening, Life on the Farm, Painting/Illustration, Sneak Peeks!, Weather, Whipper Snapper Fun! | Permalink | Comments (25)
We finally got some much needed rain last night. Oooooh it smells so GOOD! So, since I didn't have to water the garden this morning, I took the camera around to see what some of the critters were up to.
If you have trouble viewing the video here on the blog, you can check it out here on YouTube!
Oh, and I've added a link to my YouTube channel on the right in the Sassy & Sweet Stuff list. All of the farm videos are there for your enjoyment. *grin*
June 22, 2011 in Baby Chickens, Dexter Cattle, Ducks!, Goats, Home Movie, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Video: Farm/Garden Related, Weather | Permalink | Comments (14)
Today and tomorrow's forecast is calling for highs of 94*. I can't tell you how REFRESHING that sounds! 10* cooler than it has been, and we're even seeing some clouds! Today is Summer Solstice, but I can't help dreaming of Autumn!! Of course, there are storms all around us and we aren't getting any rain, but at least the clouds are knocking the blister out of the temps.
Whipper Snapper is gearing up for the Fall/Winter release; you'll find details on their Facebook page where they've been sharing sneak peeks of images in the release. How exciting!!
June 21, 2011 in Painting/Illustration, Sneak Peeks!, Weather, Whipper Snapper Fun! | Permalink | Comments (8)
June 13, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (19)
Today's forecast is promising a high of 99*. Tomorrow's forecast is promising a high of 99*, too. Jeepers... Time to get the frozen water bottles in the chicken waterers. I'd best gather eggs early in the day, too! Don't want those chickens brewing up any deviled eggs when I'm not lookin'!
The purple pole beans are putting on blooms, but no beans just yet. I think they're so pretty as they grow up the wire trellis.
We've got a wild mama cat who has 5 kittens under our shed. They stay out of the heat, and lay in the shade. Oddly enough, the girl kittens are the friendliest of the bunch. Usually the boys are. When they're old enough they'll go to the vet for a little snippity snip! Alan thinks he might be able to catch the wild mama next week now that the kittens are old enough to eat kitty food and spend the night away from their mama while she's at the vet's office for snipping! This little gal is a cutie, isn't she! I think I'll tell Alan her name is Tangerine. Unless you want to ADOPT her, and then you can name her anything you'd like! *grin*
There's a sweet little torty-grey female, too. She has the cutest nose and broken stripes.
But don't let these sweet faces fool you ...
The rattlesnake pole beans have almost all sprouted around the tee-pee trellis, and I can't wait to see them start vining up the poles! I took this photo two days ago, and already the plants look noticably different, now that they're starting to get more leaves. It's amazing how quickly things change.
Here was the garden on May 1...
And here is the garden as of June 1! BIG difference! (Click image for a larger view...)
Remember our little house chick, Dolly? Well, seems that Dolly thinks SHE is a HE, and is practicing crowing. Yes, yes it's true. Just little squeaks, but that's CROW enough for me! Dolly lives outside now, in a fancy new brooder with two chick-sized friends. Happy as can BE, wild frizzled feathers, and all!
Dolly, looking down into the brooder at his friends, who are cheeping wildly, apparently lost without him.
So, speaking of summer ... did you see this image predicting how summer weather is going to progress? UNCLE!!!
I think that calls for daily dips in the pool. Bottom's Up!
Whipper Snapper Designs: Poolside Chicken - #CT954
June 02, 2011 in Baby Chickens, Cats, Flowers, Frizzles!, Garden: 2011, Gardening, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Weather | Permalink | Comments (19)
Our weather forecast for today suggested 40% chance of rain, but when you looked at the future radar, the clouds did their usual petering out routine just before they got to us, and faded to nothing. The wind kept the storm just to the west of us ALL DAY, and we weren't getting a drop!
Then at about 4:30, the wind shifted just a bit and the clouds moved slightly to the east, and right on in! We're actually getting RAINDROPS!! It's a fast moving storm so we won't get much rain, but we will take every last drop we can get!!
Rain, clouds, RAIN!!
May 11, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (9)
Here's the video I put together following this afternoon's storm. I'm sorry to have missed filming the earlier part of the storm -- I was so involved in watching what was happening! So, I missed the trees blowing sideways, tree branches blowing across the yard, the rain and huge HAIL blowing completely sideways. I'll be better prepared next time!
Here's a bit of what you'll see:
BIG HAIL (at 1:10 and 1:45ish)
My poor tomatoes and other garden plants
The new calf having a milkshake tasting contest, and a RACE!
Rain, rain, RAIN!
5 calves eating hay
Dash on post
And more!
If you have trouble viewing the video here on the blog, you can always check it out on YouTube!
April 25, 2011 in Dexter Cattle, Ducks!, Frizzles!, Garden: 2011, Goats, Home Movie, Life on the Farm, Video: Farm/Garden Related, Weather | Permalink | Comments (17)
We've been watching storms in the area on the radar, and almost ALL of them have missed us. We soooo very badly need rain, that we welcome even serious storms! We thought today's storm might miss us, but it looped around and we caught the edge of it at least. The tornado siren in town was enabled twice today. Once before and during the first storm, and again for a second storm that soon followed the first. We saw rotation in the clouds, but nothing officially touched down that we could see.
These photos are presented in order that they were taken, starting with the one shown above.
Our neighbors are just finishing a new house ... last thing they wanted was a tornado to come through!
...then it started raining...and blowing...and hailing!
I did take some video, and I'll share that when it finishes uploading to YouTube.
April 25, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (9)
We're about 125 or so miles from the closest wildfire in Texas, but the smoke is all around us. I took this photo this evening, well before sunset. There's not a cloud in the sky ... no fog either. Just smoke. You can see the sun, well above the horizon.
The smoke blew in thick and heavy late last night, and continues to linger. The smell of smoke was so strong (and so sudden) last night, we thought perhaps a nearby pasture had caught fire during the lightning storm we were having. We got a bit of rain with last night's brief storm, but it wasn't even enough to make the chicken yard muddy.
According to weather reports, March 2011 was the driest March on record since 1895...
I'm not kidding when I say we need LOTS of rain. Isn't it about time for a hurricane?
April 15, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (14)
While it seems that everyone else is having chilly weather and even snow, WE ARE NOT! The temp gauge on the porch this afternoon hit 88. And would you look at the expected temps for Saturday! In March!?! We are already almost 5" below average for rainfall this year, and temps are 15-20 degrees above average...
We need RAIN! Please send rain...
March 23, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (17)
While the sun was low on the horizon this evening, I took my camera out to the hen house to see what I could see. What do you know, I saw CHICKENS (and ducks)! Shorty tried to show me where a good place to nest would be, "right here, in the tall grass!"
Laffy Taffy told me all about how they would really like more water in the duck pool. "The mud on my legs is soooo unsightly!"
Inside the hen house, some of the ladies enjoyed perching in the rays of sunshine that were coming through the windows. Ruby had the best spot! (And is it just me, or does she look a little bit like Conan o'Brien?)
The winter molt was a little rough for some of the ladies, but finally Curly Que is looking good! Nothing like new feathers to make a girl beautiful!
And of course there's the always dainty, always beautiful Dee. What a sweet little pint-sized chicken!
Chainsaw was looking lovely today, too!
I had to keep my eye on this Golden Comet... she was very interested in my camera lens. Just what I need, a chicken beak through the lens on my camera! Yikes!
Like most areas around the country, the weather here is supposed to get cold this week. Yesterday and today it was in the mid 70's ... Take a look at Tuesday and Wednesday in the above chart ... a low of 14* on Wednesday!? Ice and Snow!? JEEEEPERS!! Best plan on keepin' cozy!
January 30, 2011 in Chicken Portraits, Ducks!, Frizzles!, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Weather | Permalink | Comments (22)
Here's another video from today, featuring Mister Farley and Miss Daisy playing in the snow. They had a ball!
If you have trouble viewing the video here on the blog, you can see the video HERE on YouTube.
Tonight promises to be a chilly one! Bundle up, snuggle in, and keep it cozy!
January 09, 2011 in Dogs, Home Movie, Life on the Farm, Video: Farm/Garden Related, Weather | Permalink | Comments (11)
I went out earlier and took some quick video clips of the farm activities. The snow was really coming down, and still is! About 4" have accumulated now. Fun!
Enjoy the video! ...oh, and you might notice that there isn't a chicken to be seen! They were ALL in the coop. Sissies!
If you have trouble viewing the video here on the blog, you can see the video HERE on YouTube.
Happy Snow Day!
PS: For those of you with relatively slow internet connections (Mom and Dad!), start the video, then press the PAUSE button (the button with two vertical bars) and allow the video to download. You will see the download progress by watching the red/pink progress bar extend. Once the progress bar is almost complete, press play again. This will allow you to watch the video without lots of stops and starts.
January 09, 2011 in Cats, Chicken Coop, Dexter Cattle, Ducks!, Goats, Home Movie, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Video: Farm/Garden Related, Weather | Permalink | Comments (18)
It started snowing at 11am, and hasn't stopped yet. The flakes are HUGE, and full of moisture. They hit with a "splat". I took this photo through the kitchen window about 40 minutes after it started snowing, and it just keeps coming down! Cool!
The goats are hiding in the goat house. The barn cats are all tucked in, snuggled up. The cows and donkeys were munching on a hay bale, but have since moved into the barn. And the chickens ... well, some are out in the snow, others are snug in the hen house. They're not used to this kind of weather! As for me, I dig it!
January 09, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (6)
Well... this should be fun. It's supposed to start raining this evening, and they're projecting that tomorrow afternoon/evening we'll get 2 to 4 inches of snow. Alan added more hay to the outside dog houses, and the goat house. Lollie (the rabbit) got more hay, and the chicken house will need to be closed up. Time to pull out the hot cocoa! *grin*
January 08, 2011 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (10)
Last night's sunset was nothing short of spectacular! I'm glad I was paying attention, and could snap some photos! This long narrow image was created by mashing together three different photos to create a panoramic. Click on the images to view them larger. Enjoy!
December 11, 2010 in Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (17)
Today's high was suposed to be 104. But it didn't stop there. 108 is the current temperature on our back porch. *ugh!* It was 100 degrees at 10:30am when I stepped out to check on the chickens. And I'm guessing it will be 100 degrees at 10:30pm tonight, as well. It just doesn't cool off here. We are currently under a heat advisory. No kidding!
We've got hoses strung out around the farm so that we can water down all the shaded areas of the critter pens in hopes of giving them a cool (cool being a relative term) place to rest. Thankfully, they seem to enjoy our efforts. Lollie the rabbit got dipped in a bucket of luke warm water (the water never actually gets "cold" out of the hose, or out of our indoor faucets in the summer) and he really seemed to love it. I have filled the chicken water containers three times today. It's hot.
However, we're hoping that tomorrow is the last of the triple digit temps for us. Tomorrow's high is listed as 100 (I have no doublt it will reach a few degrees more than that), but the rest of the week looks to be in the low to mid 90s. What do you know... a cold front! Cross your fingers and toes for us!
In happier news, I took some photos today! This pretty butterfly (one of several) was busy drinking nectar from the zinnias when I went out to check on the chickens.
It flitted from flower to flower, looking for nectar.
There are quite a few zinnias blooming in the garden, so it had lots of flowers to choose from.
I'm still feeling sickly, but seem to be getting a bit better. I'm not coughing as much, and I have a bit more energy than I've had for at least a week. Thanks for all of your get well wishes ... seems they might have done the trick!
August 23, 2010 in Bugs & Other Creepy Crawlies, Flowers, Garden: 2010, Gardening, Weather | Permalink | Comments (17)
Tonight we had a nice dinner in town at Alan's parents' house (thanks
John and Sue!). This was our view on the drive home... pretty nice,
wouldn't you say? Of course it was hotter than HOT, but at least the sky
was pretty! As soon as we got home I ran into the house and grabbed the
camera, and snapped some photos.
Few things in Texas are as pretty as the Texas sunset.
Of course, I would have traded this beautiful sunset for the rain that they're getting under that storm.
Want to see more Texas weather posts? Check out the Weather category!
July 25, 2010 in Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (10)
Until today, July has been cloudy with occasional storms, and it was delightful. Today, we're reminded that summer in Texas is hot. Temperatures have risen to the mid 90s again, it's humid, and well... downright HOT. There's not a cloud to be seen. The early July weather spoiled everyone, and everything, on the farm.
Today I've been able to work outside for an hour at a time before I have to come in and cool off in the A/C, and enjoy a glass of ice water. That's probably for the best, though. It is the perfect time to write a blog post! I started looking through the photos I've taken in the past week, and in them I see cool days, clouds, lush vegetation, and happy critters. The photos are making me really miss those cooler, drizzly days! Let me share a few with you, so you can see what I mean... all of these photos were taken on July 8, 2010 (not today).
Admiral jumps up onto the gate in the evening. His muddy toes remind me that the pasture and barnyard were damp enough from the rain for the thick, sticky, muddy soil to cling to anything and everything.
Mother Nature was kind enough to keep the water troughs full. Betty and Callio-Pea are happy to share the fresh water with Butthead, the barn cats, and the chickens.
Buddy Boy and John's Chicken sit on the gate drying their feathers, wet from the rain held in the tall grass of the barnyard.
The cucumber plant that I thought I would lose is doing much better. I added a few more inches of good garden soil to it's mound, and it really perked up. Perhaps it just didn't have room to stretch it's roots, and needed a little more wiggle room. And the cucumbers are now growing like weeds!
This is the first year I've ever tried to grow any melons, and WHOA NELLIE, we've got some little melons on the vine! Everything in the garden really enjoyed the break from the blistering sun and heat.
Admiral loves to crow, and let everyone within ear-shot know he's handsome, a good singer, and loves the ladies. He is such a good boy -- I wish all full-sized roosters were as good as he is. (Buddy Boy, not so much...)
Callio-Pea thinks he's crazy. All that crowing just seems silly.
The teenager-sized squash plants (I have plants at four different ages/stages in the garden, for a long harvest time) started to put on fruit. Little yellow zucchini and yellow crookneck squash will be on the menu soon!
The pumpkin plants are doing great! This photo was taken three days ago, and already the plants are noticeably larger. A few of the leaves got kind of mangled in one of the storms. We had some really large raindrops! I also have a mound of ornamental pumpkins (the little tiny ones). It has started to put out really long runners that I'm going to have to direct a little bit, so they don't take over the tomato and squash rows.
The squash pit and corn really loved the cooler temps and rain, and that cucumber plant in the middle of the corn has decided to make a run for the border... it's grabbing onto the grass along the side of the raised bed.
July 11, 2010 in Chicken Portraits, Garden: 2010, Gardening, Goats, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Weather | Permalink | Comments (10)
It is July, right? I'm looking at the 10-day forecast, and am so EXCITED!! Not a 100 degree day to be SEEN! And look at the chance of precipitation numbers! This Pacific Northwest girl thinks it's time to do the dance of joy! But I won't get too excited... I don't want to jinx things. That's just my luck. *grin*
We didn't get rain the entire day, just sprinkles now and then, but the cooler temps were nice. At about 6:30pm I was out doing chores. A bit of sun peeked through the clouds just before the big storm for the night moved into the area. I took some time to snap some random photos just to document the day.
The ducks LOVE the rain. It's QUACK QUACK QUACK all day long, while they splash around in the puddles, and chomp at the rain drops. The chickens don't really like getting wet, but I think they're enjoying the much cooler temperatures we're having. They don't tolerate heat well, and neither do I!
I sure get a lot of attention when I bring the camera into the chicken yard. I'm pretty sure they all think it's a container full of treats for them to snack on. Keeping the duck bills away from my lens is sometimes a challenge. Keeping the duck bills away from my pants and pockets ... impossible.
The little feeder dish hanging in the garden collected rain water. I'll leave it for the dragonflies.
The echinacea blooms are pretty, and the butterflies sure like them! Today I watched the FATTEST bumblebee enjoying the flowers on one of the cucumber plants. Yay for bees!
The squash pit is growing like mad! I never got around to thinning the plants -- maybe I'll have time this weekend to snip out some of the stragglers. If I can find any stragglers.
This one just opened in the past day or so.
It's a good thing I strung some twine for the pole beans. They're climbing like crazy!
They move up the twine several inches each day. Maybe even more!
The cucumber plants (I found extra seeds in my pocket) I tucked into the corn patch have really taken off. ...and it's evident that I haven't thinned the corn yet, either.
The frizzle chicks are growing... we've got three boys, and this CUTE little pullet (female). I love her crazy little topknot and her big, dark eyes.
Dandy (our only male duck, thankfully!) doesn't have time for baby chickens. He is growing into such a handsome fella. And I noticed he's finally getting his little drake tail curl (no photos yet). He's off to find a puddle.
July 01, 2010 in Baby Chickens, Ducks!, Flowers, Frizzles!, Garden: 2010, Gardening, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Weather | Permalink | Comments (9)
The temps have been blistering hot here for a while... but the coming week promises temps in the 80s and very low 90s. I HOPE the promise of cooler temperatures really does come true! Work around the farm increases significantly when it's hot. It will be nice to have a break from the heat, for sure! I'm sure the animals would agree.
I snapped these sunset photos tonight as I was running around just before dark trying to get everything checked on after a bit of rain that came through (just a sprinkle, but we had some wind that was concerning). I thought it made a pretty panoramic, though amateur at best.
One of the zucchini plants took a pretty serious beating from the wind.
The beans seemed to LOVE the rain! They're getting eager to climb the twine trellis!
I expect with lower temps for a few days, things will really grow well this week -- hopefully the grass in the pastures grows some, too! We NEED a break from the heat. We NEED rain!!
I should probably thin the corn patch...
More zucchini and crookneck squash plants... I see lots and lots of squash dishes in my future!
June 28, 2010 in Garden: 2010, Gardening, Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (8)
May 31, 2010 in Blah Blah Blah..., Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (7)
Hope you're all enjoying the holiday weekend. Yesterday, I managed to sleep in. After getting up with the dogs at 6am, I decided to crawl back into bed and snoooooooze away. Delightful! Alan and I spent the rest of the day doing farm chores, and trying to keep cool - at one point yesterday, the temp hit 96. That was not delightful. In fact, it was downright rude. I took a look at the 10 day forecast.
They're "suggesting" it will be 942 degrees for the next 10 days.
And take a look at this.... As if 96 isn't hot enough, I do believe Saturday, June 5th will be our hottest day of 2010 so far (it will get worse, I guarantee). And so it begins. *groan*
Today promises more of the same, followed by a nice BBQ dinner with Alan's parents. I'll be cooking up some BBQ'd ribs, homemade potato salad, baked beans, spinach salad, and roasted corn on the cob. I also made some fresh limeade last night that has been chilling all night long. I can't wait for that refreshing first sip!
The chicks are growing like crazy.
These photos are a week or two old, and the babies have already changed so much! I need to get out and take more photos, because I tell ya, they grow like weeds!
Oh! And for those of you who were concerned about the little grey colored chick in Edwina's Baker's Dozen, worry no more! That chick is doing just fine! Still a bit smaller than the others, but her papa is a little tiny pip squeak, so she won't get too big herself.
Be safe this holiday weekend!
Cheers to you!
May 30, 2010 in Baby Chickens, Blah Blah Blah..., Life on the Farm, Poultry, Weather | Permalink | Comments (10)
This afternoon, our area was put under Tornado Watch, Severe Thunderstorm Warning, and Tornado Warning. They weren't kidding... I took all of these storm photos between 5:15pm - 5:30pm this evening. They are posted in order of how they were taken.
This is looking northwest from our farm. You can just barely see the neighbor's place on the right side of the photo. Their house is less than 3/4 mile from ours. This is the field that I photograph the longhorn cattle in.
Then I went to the other side of the house to our back pasture and took this photo looking southeast towards town. I'm not sure which sky is more menacing. You can barely see the water tower in our small town, about 2 miles from our farm.
After locking up the chicken coop, I went back to the front of the house to watch the clouds. We knew that rotation had been seen in our area, so we were on the lookout.
We could actually see the large sweeping circle of the storm, with the rain coming down right out of the center.
There was a slight breeze, but I certainly wouldn't say it was "windy".
We could see the rain coming closer.
Closer still... at this point I decided I'd better lock up the goats...they don't like to get wet.
I took this photo on my way back to the house from the barn...Whoa...
Thankfully, it dissipated... at 5:30 the rain started and I was under cover. It rained for about 45 minutes or so, and then I returned outside to see what I could see...
Amazingly enough, we were given a beautiful sunset while the storm moved southwest of us. The clouds from another storm move west of us.
May 20, 2010 in Blah Blah Blah..., Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (19)
We had a beautiful sunset this evening, and I happened to be outside to see it. Thought I'd share!
I think it looks like Africa (if you ignore the fence line). But, it's just central Texas.
May 19, 2010 in Blah Blah Blah..., Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (17)
We had a bit of rain last night, which always puts me in a happy mood. I love rain! Weather like we had to day reminds me so much of the pacific northwest. It just feels "right". I pulled out my camera and Alan and I walked around the farm to see what we could see. Here are a few photos for you.
This bush is blooming near the house. I think it's some sort of hollyhock, but I'm not sure.
The goats were enjoying fresh green grass.
And then Alan rattled the treat bag...the race was on.
It's nearly impossible to photograph BAD Boxcar Betty. I always get "action" shots (aka: blurrrrr).
Callio-Pea always brings up the rear.
CallioPea's wattles are really swingin'!
Lucy and Darcy were munching grass.
The other cows were munching grass, too. Notice all the wildflowers! Pretty!
The blue bonnets are really fragrant.
There are all kinds of flowers blooming, and so many that haven't started blooming yet!
The Indian Paint Brush are so neon! I think they are so pretty!
The neighbors have lots of Indian Paint Brush this year!
...look at that storm north of us!
Unfortunately, the poison ivy is growing like crazy, too... this particular plant (and it wasn't the only one like this) has wound it's way up to the top of a fence post, and will soon be more like a tree than a bush! YUCK!
Another horrible pest here are fire ants. Here is a small nest that has pushed up between two patio stones since the evening rain. Fire ants are terrible creatures! Be careful where you walk!
The hens are doing well, enjoying the cooler temperatures. They were busy in the chicken yard.
Weezie is always on a mission, squawking all the while.
Dot, a guinea hen, was watching wild birds flit around in the treetops.
Brown Manetta (a turken hen), looking lovely, as always...
Here is one of the Cuckoo Marans girls, watching me very closely, just in case I have treats in hiding!
Just-a-Minute was napping on this bale of hay. Shortly after this photo, he ran off.
The baby ducks are GROWING so FAST! Still without names (I know, I know...), these two are fascinated by the grass growing at the base of the chicken coop.
I might call this duck Nellie. I'm HOPING it's a girl. I've read that the girls are the most chatty/vocal, and this one is just that. But she's also a little Nervous Nellie... so, Nellie fits.
It's hard to believe that the two bigger buff colored ducks are only 4 weeks old! We brought them home on March 20th. The white crested duck and the khaki duck are now 3 weeks old. Growing like weeds! Remember when I brought them home, how LITTLE they were! They are the happiest little creatures!
Action shot! Nibble nibble nibble nibble...
Hope you enjoyed your visit to the farm today!
April 18, 2010 in Chicken Portraits, Dexter Cattle, Ducks!, Flowers, Goats, Life on the Farm, Photography, Poultry, Texas Wildflowers, Weather | Permalink | Comments (38)
More wacky weather here today ... about an inch of snow so far, and it's supposed to snow all day and evening...
Personally, I love it ... the goats aren't too thrilled about it, though!
You might remember that it was 76 here on Sunday... wacky!
February 23, 2010 in Blah Blah Blah..., Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (12)
A little over a week ago, we had a big snow storm and were put under a blanket of 8-10" of snow, which is quite unusual for our part of Texas. All the critters fared well (especially the dogs), but the bird netting on the chicken yard didn't take the weight of the snow too gracefully, as you can see from this photo of part of their yard.
Today it's a sunny 76 outside - lovely, just lovely! I spent some time fixing the netting so the birds could enjoy their big side yard again, but it might have been too soon, according to the weather outlook for our part of Texas... Snow, on Tuesday!? And look at the change in temperatures! Today we've got the doors and windows open on the house. The rest of the week doesn't look like we'll be doing that!
February 21, 2010 in Chicken Coop, Life on the Farm, Poultry, Weather | Permalink | Comments (6)
This evening I took Miss Daisy and Mister Farley outside to play in the snow. They had a BLAST! Here are some action shots from their romp! (Like all of the photos on my blog, you can click on them to view them a bit larger.)
Mister Farley LOVES to spin circles...
Miss Daisy just runs circles around him ... they're a perfect pair!
Miss Daisy, all tuckered out...
February 11, 2010 in Blah Blah Blah..., Dogs, Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (24)
Well, I never imagined I would see as much snow here as we've had fall today. I'm going to guess about 4" have fallen ... maybe more. And it's supposed to snow all night... we'll see. Alan and I walked out to the pond in the pasture, and I took my camera along with me. What a nice blanket of white, eh?
It's doing a number on the netting over the chicken yard. It will likely need to be replaced. Not a cheap item. Argh.
February 11, 2010 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (2)
February 11, 2010 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (9)
Tonight we had the most amazing sunset! Check it out! I took these photos with my little Canon point & shoot camera either standing in the driveway, or in the barnyard. The sky was so bright and colorful -- like fire across the sky!
January 07, 2009 in Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (42)
When it's HOT like it is here, thunderstorms brew up out of nowhere. Lightening is quite dangerous, and when it's as dry as it is now, there's always fear of fire. We haven't had rain for well over a month ... maybe even close to two months. It's very dry. Very dangerous.
This evening a very large storm formed just south of where we live (of course we didn't get ANY rain from it). When Alan and I were out doing our evening chores we could see the entire area of the storm and with the rain pouring out of it from the center, it looked like a massive jelly fish in the sky. It was so amazing! Of course, by the time I got back out to the barn with my camera, the clouds had moved just enough that we lost the really cool perspective. But I did get a couple of interesting shots.
Of course, Jackie and Molly always beg for snacks when we're out in the pastures, so any time I'm out in their pasture with my camera they're pretty much in my lap, begging. They're even too close for photos -- I need at least 3 feet of space for focusing, girls!
Tonight was no different. But look at this cool photo I got of Jackie's hip and Molly's ears, with LIGHTENING striking in the distance!! What crazy timing! There was lightening all around, and it was just luck that I was able to catch a shot with lightening actually in the photo! Of course, it's not a GREAT photo of the silly donkeys, but considering Jackie was bumping my elbow with her nose when I took the shot, it's pretty ok!
A few minutes later, I noticed an odd glowing orange area of light about 4 or 5 miles from our house. Seems a bolt of lightening had started a fire and the flames were getting tall, fast!
The sun was just going down when the fire started, and the large orange glow kept no secrets about where the fire was. Hopefully there weren't any homes in danger, which is always a worry when it comes to rural fires. Lack of roads and access make fighting the fires difficult for local crews. But it wasn't long before local and volunteer firefighters had the burn under control. Here's hoping nothing was damaged, or injured.
July 13, 2008 in Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (4)
Tonight we had quite the spring storm come through central Texas! In less than 1 hour, we got over 6 inches of rain (the gauge overflowed).
At one point, I stood under our covered patio and tried to get some photos of the rain, but I failed miserably. The water came off of the roof of the garage like it was being poured out of a HUGE bucket!
This photo is our windchime that hangs at the edge of our porch being WHIPPED by the wind and rain. The light in the distance is the light on the garage. Shortly after I took this photo a massive gust of wind blew through, moving several chairs across the patio, and even sent our BBQ grill crashing off of the patio onto the grass. That's when it was clearly time to go inside!
When it let up a bit, Alan and I made the rounds around the farm making sure all the critters were still tucked in their shelters, dry and warm. The hour following, we got another inch and a quarter of rain in a short little down pour. Wow. Talk about rain.
Dixie stood in the barn the entire time. No baby. Yet. =)
April 23, 2008 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (7)
Today is my parent's 37th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Wow... 37 years. Congratulations... oh, and uh, the card will be late!
When I talked to my Dad earlier this evening, he asked how the farm faired with all the rain we had earlier this week. I'm a firm believer that a picture's worth at least 10,000 words, so here are a couple photos for you, Dad!
The weather is a bit different this spring. It was on March 19, 2007 when Alan and I rode the 4-wheeler through this pond...there wasn't nearly as much water in the pond at this time last year! The wildflowers were also starting to bloom this time last year.
This week I noticed a few little white star flowers blooming, but no sign of the blue bonnets yet. We needed this week's rain. It's been real dry so far this year. Maybe the rain will jump start the wildflowers.
Alan was in search of frogs this evening when we were down at the pond. We've noticed that the frogs and toads are real loud during the evening and at night. He saw a few, but they were too far out into the water to catch. Wouldn't THOSE have been good photos!
I really enjoy days and evenings after a big rain. The air is clean, everything smells fresh, and the evening light is crisp. As Martha would say, it's a good thing.
Mom and Dad, I hope you enjoyed a nice dinner in town. Knowing that you got lots more snow today (they live in Northeastern Washington), it's nice to be able to send you a little bit of virtual sunshine!
It was a beautiful day, and we had a wonderful sunset. Here's one more photo, just for you.
Happy Anniversary!
March 20, 2008 in Family, Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (18)
Well! We've having a bit of a spring storm today. We've got Flash Flood Warnings and a promise of more rain to come.
I wonder how many inches of rain we'll get today!?
March 18, 2008 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (16)
It was sunny here this weekend, so I drug the ol' camera out and poked around the farm for a little while (in between naps, since I'm still sicky...).
I found Geronimo lounging in the sunshine and he gave me a kitty pose. He's wild. Can't you tell? He spends most of his time laying next to (if not IN) the food bowl. He's not one to miss a meal.
Junior was lounging in the sunshine as well, no doubt waiting for a meal.
What ever happened to "working" farm cats? I guess rolling around in the dirt, waiting for either a meal or a belly rub, keeps them busy enough.
February 24, 2008 in Life on the Farm, Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (20)
It was stormy and rainy this morning, and Eddie went from his usual cute cuddly fuzzy self to a crazy haired wet mud ball! The ground here turns to mud quickly and is super sticky, so it looked like he was wearing platform shoes on his little white hooves. Very funny!
Alan and I stayed out of the pasture this morning, knowing full well that as soon as we stepped into the field Eddie would have rubbed his wet dirty donkey self all over us. What a pest! We'll let him dry off a bit before we go love on him for the day.
He has grown so much! Tomorrow he'll be two weeks old. Haaa! What a mess he is!
October 15, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (11)
What an evening we've had here! *GULP!* I drove to town earlier this evening to go to the local scrap shop, grocery store, and to get a few odds and ends at Walmart. It was threatening to rain when I got to town, but nothing looked out of the ordinary.
I'd finished my shopping at Walmart and was *patiently* waiting in the check-out line behind a coupon/flyer packing Grandma who was taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r to find all of the coupons while the checker scanned her items (cute little lady though!). Her cell phone rang and she pulled it out of the side pocket on her blue denim moo-moo dress. "Hello..... ooooh... oh dear. ...goodbye." She turned to me and said "My friend just told me there's a tornado between here and Midlothian." Midlothian is a small town about 10-12 miles away from where we were.
I called Alan, who was at home. I knew he'd be able to check the weather and let me know what was happening. Sure enough... tornado, and it was moving in my direction at 20mph.
Then, over the store loudspeaker... "Attention Walmart Shoppers...MOVE TO THE CENTER OF THE STORE IMMEDIATELY. Stay away from all exits. Leave your items where they are, and move to the center of the store."
And we all did.
I was still on the phone with Alan and he was giving me updates on the weather. I could see outside through the doors, and it was DARK DARK DARK! The rain was coming down so heavy, we couldn't see the cars in the parking lot. I could hear the tornado sirens outside. Alan said it had started to really rain at home too, which is about 25 miles south of where I was at the store.
The voice on the loudspeaker came back on a few minutes later and encouraged shoppers to remain calm and enjoy shopping for items in the center of the store. (ha!!) About 10-15 minutes went by before we were allowed to return to the check-out area. The rain let up a bit, although it was still really pouring, but at least the cars in the parking lot were visible. I don't think the tornado ever touched down in the area.
I drove home in the rain and watched as the ditches, yards and pastures filled with water.
Alan took some photos while I was in town...check out the clouds! This was before it started raining, just before my little "attention Walmart shoppers" experience. The first photo was taken looking northwest (you can see our neighbors house way off in the distance).
The second photo was taken looking southwest, looking up above the garage (and firetruck). It was just after 7:00pm -- there should have been at least 2 hours of daylight left, but BOY was it DARK! We got a few inches of rain and the dark clouds, but nothing too serious. Thankfully! =)
June 26, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (49)
Weather.com says it's SUNNY in Milford today. Clear skies and SUNNY! They say it's supposed to get up to 90 today. Oddly enough, when I look out my window all I see in the sky are clouds...as far as I can see. And what do you know... it's RAINING! We're experiencing liquid sunshine I guess... liquid sunshine mixed with thunder. What an odd forecast.
June 14, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (5)
Sunsets are truly worth appreciating here in Texas. This was how our day ended on Sunday -- a perfect closing to Mother's Day, and my Mom's birthday!
It's been quite warm here this past week -- pushing 90 degrees most days. We're expecting a little break from the heat the rest of this week though, with temps in the upper 70s. Yay! Here's hoping there's more rain in the week too!
May 15, 2007 in Photography, Weather | Permalink | Comments (11)
Spring weather here is crazy! There are no mountains to stop the wind and the weather can change drastically rather quickly. Earlier today was sunny and warm, though a bit windy. This evening the storms came through and several tornado watch warnings went into effect. I was just starting to cook dinner when the front came through, and Alan was out in the back yard with my camera taking photos ... he got some pretty cool shots! This one is my favorite!
April 13, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (18)
We are having some CRAZY wacky weather here today! Ice storms and Snow - in Texas - in APRIL!? I grew up in Northeastern Washington, and it was pretty typical to get the occasional bit of snow on Easter, but this is Texas!
I think this is just SO WEIRD!
I took a few photos this morning at about 11am. It was REALLY snowing!
This photo is a small part of the patch of Bluebonnets that I photographed the Longhorns in just the other day.
Look at all the SNOW coming down!
This is Rover, a stray dog (or one that was just dropped off in the area by his owner) that has decided to call our farm home. He was less than thrilled with the morning weather. Here he's about to go curl up between some of the round bales of hay and wait for things to warm up a bit.
It's just about 1:00pm now and it's still snowing, but it won't stick around for long. The ground is too warm. It's quiet outside...the look on this little concrete raccoon says it all. The chickens are all still huddled up in the
barn. The donkeys are huddled under the trees,
and a few of the cows are in the barn with the chickens.
Earlier this week we had a couple of 85 degree days, so the drop to the low 30s is a bit shocking. The high temperature is supposed to be 39 today... it's only 38 now.
April 07, 2007 in Dogs, Life on the Farm, Texas Wildflowers, Weather | Permalink | Comments (11)
WOW! What a stormy night we had last night -- and there's more to come tonight! We got over 6 inches of rain, and most of it fell between 4:30pm and 8:00pm. And it kept on raining! We lost power just before 5:00. Lightening was so close, it even scared ME!
The "tank" that Alan and I rode the ATV through a couple of weeks ago is now completely full of water. I think it'll be a few days (at least!) before we see the bottom again.
Today we have Severe Storm warnings just to the west of us, and we're under a Tornado Watch zone. {See current conditions here.}
Hope you're all safe where you live.
Time to feed the chickens! Cluck!
March 30, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (17)
We've got some wicked spring weather coming our way.
Alan said if I hear a train I should climb into the bathtub and cover myself with pillows and blankets. ...oh my... he's talking about tornadoes. We don't live anywhere NEAR train tracks.
Let's hope it's just a lot of wind and rain. If you're wondering where Milford is on this map, you'll see the freeway between Dallas and Waco "Y". Milford is just above the Y intersection of the freeway.
I still think the whole idea of living in the middle of the country is crazy...
Whoa... Lightening and big thunder... shutting down the computer now.
Martini time?!
March 29, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (13)
It was still way too cold here today for it to be enjoyable outside, so aside from watering and feeding the animals I spent all day inside working. At least we had power today, so in the house it was nice and warm while it was chilly-chilly-brrrrr outside!
All of the outside animals have their thick winter fur to keep them warm, and shelter to stay out of the wind and rain. ...well, the chickens have lots of feathers, not fur. Ha!! The cows and donkeys are super fuzzy! Dixie's Chick is doing well. She comes out of the barn when we go down to feed and lets us rub her nose before she wobbles back to the barn with Dixie. She's a very sweet little baby. I was able to pick her up on Sunday, and think she weighs about 30 pounds. Certainly no more than that. She's an itty bitty little thing.
Anyway... since it was so cold today I thought I'd post another one of the new Whipper Snapper designs just released! Something flowery to get my mind of the chill! This image (Sunflower Vase) is one of my favorite new designs. Hope you like it too! I can't wait for the spring flowers to bloom here! Hopefully our pastures will be full of Texas Bluebonnets this spring! I can't wait to show you those!
Valentine Box Update:
Some of you have questions about the Valentine box I posted earlier this week. I used Tombow Mono Multi Liquid Glue (returning to the store soon - I just sold out today!) to adhere all of the paper layers, to glue the top two coasters together, and to glue the cardboard tape center to the bottom coaster. It's the best glue on Earth for paper crafts! But I've found that Fabri-Tac by Beacon is better than the Mono Multi for adhering ribbons and fabric-type embellishments. Someone also wanted to know if the box opened, and if so, how. I'll get a photo taken of the box with the lid off and will upload it tomorrow. Stay tuned!
It's late now, and time for bed!
January 16, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (4)
It's really dark at 5am in the country when the power goes out.
And it's really cold when the air temperature is well below freezing, and the wind chill and humidity make it feel even colder.
And it's a lot of work on the farm when daily chores are slowed by a thick layer of ice covering everything. Fences, doors, gate latches, water troughs...
And it gets even colder when the power has been out in conditions like this for 13 hours. Today was a long, cold day here on the farm, and for people all over Texas.
The first photo is the fence next to the barn where the chickens are, and the second is a piece of wire that hangs on the side of the barn which I thought looked cool! You can see that even the side of the barn was coated with ice at least 1/4" thick - more in some places. It was really beautiful ... but VERY cold!
Since we had no power, that also meant we had little to no heat until Alan got the fire started. And then, we were all still pretty chilled. The people in town didn't get power until after 9:00pm, so we had Alan's parents out to the house to keep warm and have dinner. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as cold, but hopefully not as much ice... Hope the power stays on!
January 15, 2007 in Life on the Farm, Weather | Permalink | Comments (12)