We had a bit of rain last night, which always puts me in a happy mood. I love rain! Weather like we had to day reminds me so much of the pacific northwest. It just feels "right". I pulled out my camera and Alan and I walked around the farm to see what we could see. Here are a few photos for you.
This bush is blooming near the house. I think it's some sort of hollyhock, but I'm not sure.
The goats were enjoying fresh green grass.
And then Alan rattled the treat bag...the race was on.
It's nearly impossible to photograph BAD Boxcar Betty. I always get "action" shots (aka: blurrrrr).
Callio-Pea always brings up the rear.
CallioPea's wattles are really swingin'!
Lucy and Darcy were munching grass.
The other cows were munching grass, too. Notice all the wildflowers! Pretty!
The blue bonnets are really fragrant.
There are all kinds of flowers blooming, and so many that haven't started blooming yet!
The Indian Paint Brush are so neon! I think they are so pretty!
The neighbors have lots of Indian Paint Brush this year!
...look at that storm north of us!
Unfortunately, the poison ivy is growing like crazy, too... this particular plant (and it wasn't the only one like this) has wound it's way up to the top of a fence post, and will soon be more like a tree than a bush! YUCK!
Another horrible pest here are fire ants. Here is a small nest that has pushed up between two patio stones since the evening rain. Fire ants are terrible creatures! Be careful where you walk!
The hens are doing well, enjoying the cooler temperatures. They were busy in the chicken yard.
Weezie is always on a mission, squawking all the while.
Dot, a guinea hen, was watching wild birds flit around in the treetops.
Brown Manetta (a turken hen), looking lovely, as always...
Here is one of the Cuckoo Marans girls, watching me very closely, just in case I have treats in hiding!
Just-a-Minute was napping on this bale of hay. Shortly after this photo, he ran off.
The baby ducks are GROWING so FAST! Still without names (I know, I know...), these two are fascinated by the grass growing at the base of the chicken coop.
I might call this duck Nellie. I'm HOPING it's a girl. I've read that the girls are the most chatty/vocal, and this one is just that. But she's also a little Nervous Nellie... so, Nellie fits.
Mmmmm, water!
It's hard to believe that the two bigger buff colored ducks are only 4 weeks old! We brought them home on March 20th. The white crested duck and the khaki duck are now 3 weeks old. Growing like weeds! Remember when I brought them home, how LITTLE they were! They are the happiest little creatures!
Action shot! Nibble nibble nibble nibble...
"We love life on the farm!"
Hope you enjoyed your visit to the farm today!