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It is going to be stupid hot down here in Springfield, Oregon this week too!!!
I keep saying - you can't take this plump little body from cool temps to the high 90's without some transition time!!! I am going to MELT! Yuck!

Ha ha, you shouldn't have left good ol' crazy-weather Texas :) You just wait a little while and Mother Nature will have a hissy fit and change the weather. Although I will say all this rain we're having in Arlington is cRaZy!

Crazy! I am missing the spring on the farm posts though...can't get any cuter than baby cows!

I believe if you read in your Bibles it will tell you about the change in weather as it will be like this in the latter days before Jesus comes back for His own the ones that believe in Him. Seasons are supposed to change in places and that is what we are seeing.

REALLTY Broken. Crazy weather . While we where on vacation Long Grove got over 6 inches! Hail about nickel size, too. I like the 79 days much better than the 103 days.

I'm so confused. So you sold the farm in Texas and moved to Washington ? or you have a farm in both Texas and Washington?

Girl, from the Houston-Galveston area here, just let me say I agree because we are moldy mildew from all the rain this year! My flowers have drown from root rot and my yard is still standing in water since April! I think we have swapped weather patterns!

Too funny! You just can't catch a break. :D

Anna, weather patterns are all mixed up every where. Nebraska has had its share of rain and the total rain fall is way above the average but it hasn't been extreme to cause floods like other parts of the country. The gardens and farm crops here look wonderfully well without any irrigation so far this year. Of course weeds abound as well. They always seem to do well no matter what. Our temperatures have made into the 90s only a couple times this year but we still have a lot of summer left.

Have a great day in the garden.

Yes, it is broken, but don't forget you are on the wrong side of the state! LOL. I am over here in the Olympic Peninsula and we are much cooler, and have more rainfall then eastern Wa. It has been drier then normal this year even for us who live in the rain forest area. Stay cool and hydrated. :-)

Good grief...I'm going to sit in the freezer. I'll melt with these hot flashes plus the heat...roast pig anyone?

Climate change!

And it's probably wetter in TX, too. Yep; seriously broken....

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