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What great photos! Aren't they just the most amazing little things? Don't know the name of that one, but it sure is pretty. Thanks!

Hi,it was still cool last week & I ask my hubby to watch out for hummers next day called me said they back so I put feeders out mine look like those in your picture thanks' have great spring...

What a fabulous picture!! Love those little birds - they are fascinating to watch. Thanks for sharing.

Well, that answers my question about whether I should put out my feeder! :)

Good news! I hope things are going well down there I have a killer head cold and hope it didn't settle on you and Pixie. Great photo's, they should be nesting soon in the shrubs around the house and near the water fall and the pond..... Love, Dad

Amazing photos! We only get ruby-throated ones here, and I have seen a couple at the feeder already. It's fun to see different breeds! TFS!

Oops, it is time to get the feeders out, don't want my little friends to fly by and go somewhere else.

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