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Anna - can you tell me the finished size of that box? I can't find that info on line anywhere. Thanks!

Great project!

Great project, love your idea of the velcro dots!


Hi Jan!
All the projects youve seen me make so far can be done on the Big Shot.
They can also be done on the Pro machine, but the regular Big Shot will do ya for what Ive been sharing to date.

Did you see Sizzix is releasing a new Big Shot size? The new machine is 9 wide, so its wider than the original 6 Big Shot, but smaller than the 13 Pro.
If you dont have a machine yet, you might look into when the new sized one is releasing ..... it looks AWESOME!!!
And Im sure there will be newer dies that fit the 9 platform, and Im sure theyre going to be double-AWESOME!!!


Cluck, cluck!

My Blog:

Your treat box is really awesome! Much of my scrapbooking is about treat boxes or bags and tiny gifts. I might need a Big Shot or do I need a Big Shot Pro? The Sizzix mat board seems like the answer! Heh, heh....

Your boxes are as sweet as the treats in them. You are sweetest of all. :) (I gotta get some of those Velcro dots!)

Cool! I'm all for more boxes of chocolates! I can see Valentines Day stuff here! Love, Dad

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