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Sure hope by now you're all better. WAY COOL to wander around your creative space with you. I just love that you have such awesome old stuff -- that 6 drawer chest is fabulous! Best part is hearing what was your Grandma's that you've used. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your squared away studio.

Wow......what a great room and I love the antique furniture! I started out as a draftsman, so I am very familiar with the table. I have been working on redoing my studio and have built a lot of the pieces to fit the space. My style is rustic, so I like anything old and worn looking. I have used old barn wood for the drawer faces and am building in a Murphy bed right now. My room is 12 x 13, but I don't have that big closet like you. You have so much stuff, it is amazing! What type of containers are your pens in on the drafting table? I would also like to what is inside all of your drawers too. Hopefully one day, mine can look close to yours.

Great video! I really enjoy seeing other crafters workspace, thanks for sharing yours. Enjoy your new home!

Sigh - I now have a severe case of craft room envy! What a wonderful place to play.

Beautiful crafting space Anna, thanks so much for giving us a tour.

Fantastic! And I'm so happy that you got that cabinet before they got rid of it; it's perfect for your room! The closet is really great, too. Someday, when I get my health Back, I want us to craft together! If you are ever close to KS, please come see me. We could have a ball together! We have so many things that are alike LOL and I love to sew, too! Thanks for showing us your new great space. Your videos are so fun to watch. :-)

So did y'all sell the farm and leave Texas before experiencing another one of our wonderful summers?? And your critter count is down to only 2 dogs?! Your craft room is so organized. Mine is a disaster, but one day I'll get it under control! It's all I can do lately to keep the dishes and laundry under control :)

Holy Cow! I am absolutely amazed at how organized everything is!! Considering you've only lived there a few months..I've been in the same house for 18 years and it's nowhere close to being organized. I am envious of how much room you have!! Thank you for taking the time to share how you've organized everything! Maybe some of it will have rubbed off on me and I will get motivated.! Sure hope you're enjoying your new home and being back in Oregon!

Looks fabulous, Anna:). I was watching your video in bed on my ipad last night while Brad was watching football (our tv is in the bedroom). After a bit he turns to me and says " how big is this house??!!" I just laughed and told him you were only talking about one room;)))!!! You've done a fabulous job organizing your space with lots of cool furniture and accents tucked around for a cozy homey effect.

Anna - Your studio is so lovely! Lots of wonderful and well organized space to craft in. I had to go back and read to see the post I missed about your move back to Washington. Welcome home! I loved all your posts about farm life in Texas and I am sure I will enjoy your "life in the woods" posts just as much! I am glad you are back in our lovely state! Hugs - Jill

Thanx for sharing your craft studio with us. Its amazing!!!

Looks great. You got a lot in a 11X13 room with a 5X7 closet! You are the queen of organization. :) Everything so neat and tidy, too. My craft room always looks like a tornado just blew through! LOL Like Sandy I should show this to Dh so he thinks my stash doesn't look like TOO MUCH. ;) And Like Yvonne I would like to come paly in there, too!
It was really fun seeing the Christmas gift put to use and the chickens on the top of a self. SO glad you like them.

Oh, I now have severe craft room envy! That is the best walk in closet I've seen. Thank you for the tour, you've given me some great ideas that I can do with stuff I already have.
Enjoy your new space and finish getting well soon!

I'm going to show this to my husband so he can see that some people have more stuff than I do.

Looking good! I'm sorry I gave you my nasty cold, thankfully you have survived it. I have a few spaces that need organizing if you have the time................ Love, Dad.

thanks Anna you have such a nice voice I could listen all night !!!Dee

You have just a delightful craft room, Anna, and I know you must be enjoying it on a daily basis. What color are you going to paint the orange wood trim? It has a nice silhouette so I'll bet it turns out looking tres classy.
Thanks for sharing this with your blog friends.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Did you leave anything back in Texas? Watching your video was the best thing I've seen in a long time. I'm going back to watch it again and again! How long did it take you to set this all up? Everything about you is impressive Anna! Thanks for sharing.

I want to come play! :)

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