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Morning Anna
Your Dad is funny. (And he can be on my side any day!) :) His story about canning companies is true, Serving school lunches I have found LOTS of bugs and seed heads, stems, etc. in the vegetables over the years. *ugh* It would be disappointing to get the wrong seed in a packet. We do grow Acorn squash here. It is good.
Stay cool. hugs....

Yummm! Our garden is just getting going here in NH.

I just love seeing the food you've grown and picked. I know you put that beautiful bounty to good use. Dang those pesky grasshoppers, you need more chickens patrolling the garden!

As a semi observant father I couldn't help notice the source of the seeds of your "this season" crop as being mismarked or not of the desired vegetable. Does this happen a lot down there? Remembering the story uncle Jack once told us after he notice some deadly night shade in a can of peas. The answer from the packing company which I shall not name, he framed it, was that they were allowed x number of grasshoppers, earwigs, crickets, spiders, and many other types of critters per can leaving one to wonder just how many peas actually get into each can of peas after they add all the allowable "extra cargo"
So, are you not somewhat upset at the apparent placement of the wrong seeds in your garden? I still vividly remember the story of how you perforated a raccoon with rapid gunfire that got into your barn and had his way with you birds. I sure would not want to be the one who sold you the seeds that turned out to be floor sweepings from the seed packing house........You want me to tell them...? Love, Dad

Do you plant a fall garden Anna?

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