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Love them all! I love the rugged look of the Woodland & Fishing Santa. The glitter of the moon Santa is beautiful. Love the coloring of the portrait Santa. Excellent job, they all make me want to shout Ho Ho Ho.

Love them all! Wish I had time enough for all that creating! Thanks for sharing.

Those are awesome!!!

Wonderful, the Woodland Santa reminds me that I and Ma had better get out into the hinterlands and come up with a suitable version of a Christmas tree. Or.....shall we go fake? It seems so against our family tradition. In the old days before our children abandoned us and got their own lives they used to decorate the upper section of the tree from above the level of the upstairs floor height from planking and the stairway and the upper hall.... Nah, we better go fake I'm to old to fall that far! I think all the lovely Santa cards would make nice quilt blocks....? Hmmm.. Lots of frost on the punkin tonight. Love, Dad

Great cards! The Woodland Santa is my favourite---love the checked shirt.

You knocked each and everyone of these right out of the ball park. Having my pilot's license, I found the flying Santa the most near to my heart and my love for aviation.

OMG all those Santa's sure are ADORABLE.. And to think I can find only one TINY Santa stamp! Guess I better start another wish list. (I think Woodland Santa will have to top that list.)

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