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I'm so proud for your rain. Here in east Tx, we got about 1.75 Mon and Tue combined and are thankful for every drop. Three days of unusually cool temps was icing on the cake. Our daughter lives in Portland and as usual, when we're cooler than normal, they have a heat wave. The first time we went to visit her, for two weeks it was hotter in the Northwest than it was in TX. We're headed there in about a week - hope it's cooler this time. I love your blog - the photography is great.

congratulations! I guess you'll be in gumbo for few days. The garden will perk up and the ducks will be able to be ducks again. Got a good sunburn today when Dick and I went up to the Little Pend Orielle lakes on the Tiger highway.... good fishing and the water was perfect for swimming at Gilette. I hope it stays cool for a while so the water will be able to soak in and not turn to steam. Love, Dad

Ahhh your weather looks heavenly. It is suddenly hot and very humid here. UGH. If we do not get rain soon the hoses will have to drug out to the garden.

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