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OH MY! I feeeeeeeeeeel your pain! I hope your toe(s) are better now! OUCH!

What a cute little duck!!!

That's terrible. I just hit my toe with the door the other day and although it was just a scrape, it really hurt. I can't imagine the pain you must be enduring. Glad you have such a sweet little baby to keep you company. Take good care. Big Hugs.

Oh ouch! Having once suffered a hairline fracture to the top of my foot, I feel your pain. Hope your toes are better in no time!

Ow,ow, ow it hurts just thinking about it! My oldest son will feel sorry for you. He is in his 5th week of recovery with a broken thumb that required surgery to fix! Hope you feel better soon and are a quick healer. hugs....

Owww! Oh poor you, Anna! But so glad you have your duckie to keep you company. (Well, I have never typed THAT sentence before, hee!) Get well hugs!

I broke my baby toe once and people thought I was being such a baby. That tiny toe bears a lot of weight everytime you take a step. Hope you heal up fast.

How perfectly awful to hear about your broken bones. Must certainly be exponentially more painful on your end. Time and rest are your friends now. You might look into renting a steerable or rolling knee scooter. They're infinitely easier to get around with than crutches. Ask me how I know. Feel better my sweet friend.

Yikes! Stay rested and on those meds if you need them Anna! Get mended soon ;)
Hugs, Rx
PS. Baby duck is adorable!!! x

Ouch!!! Sounds painful :(


I am so, so sorry! That is just dreadful. The best I can hope for is quick healing, and no pain. I wish you the best, and be careful and don't hit it on anything!!! Bless your heart, I surely wish this had not happened! :( ***HUGS***

Bless your heart. I hope those meds are good and that you're mended very soon.

Hope you heal fast. So sorry you are going through this pain. Get better!

Ouch indeed. Heal quickly.

Oh Anna! That sounds just awful! Glad you have Alan there and the new ducky for comfort. Hugs!

Ouch! You need to be more careful! LOL Hope your foot heals quickly! :)

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