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Snow? Oh, yes~~that would be us! 87 on Monday, and snow in May. The birds are so confused!
Beautiful scene you drew... I love it. :D

Oops, missed May Day. Now it's Star Wars Day - May the Fourth (be with you) hahaaa

Oooh, I LOVE this Cheerful, FUN, and Colorful scene!! :)

Thanks for the cheery greeting. Happy May to you. It's actually quite nice here for the beginning of May, but I'm still waiting to plant anything as we usually get hit with cold weather in late May.

We aren't getting snow but we are still getting heavy frost. The poor cherry blossoms got frost so there won't be a lot of cherries this year. It is unseasonably cold this year and it appears to be every where. I would imagine you could use some good rainfall though!!

Great illustration! I wish that was what it looked like here! Where I love in MN, we got 15 plus inches of snow! Started in the afternoon of the 1st and continued until late morning today! I think the calendar is off!!

May 1st was a lovely day here. :) Today not so much. colder again and rain. Oh-well we did get some trees and garden goodness planted yeasterday !!!!

Super cute card!Great coloring!!!

You have captured happy in your illustration. Happy May! Hugs. Mel

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