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Thanks everyone for the cheers! I had a great day...sure beats the alternative...(eating Anna's cooking OOPS, she can read this) Love to you'all

Well, well, well! Congratulations to the Birthday Girl on another year well lived.

Gimme an L
Gimme an O
Gimme an R
Gimme an I

Happy Birthday, Lori!

Happy, happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a fantastic, wonderful day! Quilts in the making sounds heavenly...there's nothing more beautiful than a handmade quilt! And I'm sure yours are over the top gorgeous!
Wishing you the best birthday yet, and a fabulous year to follow! :D

LOL. You two are priceless. :) I see where Anna gets her personality. Big hugs to all. Sending wishes for a PERFECT day.

Carol, how did you know? She has a couple of really cool quilts in the works....no sloppy foods in there. Pork chops with sliced peaches, with Dancing With The Stars.....it's a toss up. I like the looks of Kelly Pickler even if she couldn't dance a lick......but Val's little partner is a pistol for sure.... Dan

Happy Birthday Lori Wight. Enjoy the day anyway you'd like. Maybe in the quilt room with Dan bringing you refreshments while you play. :p

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