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The card is great (what I expect from you!) but, the chick is the star of the show this time. The sleeping chick is the cutest animal picture I have seen in a long time!

Oh my that chick you used in your photo staging is so authentic...giggle! How SWEET! You have a quick camera draw! Lightening fast to have captured him sleeping like that. Sooo funny and adorable!

Those pictures are unreal! Makes me regret not taking pics of my chick babies! So sweet.

That's hilarious your little chicky fell asleep like that! That's exactly how I feel at work today :)

darling pics~ always love your stuff!!!

Oh my, chicky looks just like one of those wind up hopping Easter toys!! This is so cute! (I liked the card, too.)

Oh my! That is the CUTEST little tired chick! Thanks for sharing such a sweet photo! :)

Oh, how funny! Darling chick!

SO CUTE!! OMG is that really how he sleeps? That is so funny - wish I could have one :)

Oh my!! What a cute card but even cuter is the chick!! Thanks for sharing!!

Don't know if anything is cuter than this. How fun...are the dogs interested in the chicks? Don't know how you manage it all!

Too cute! I actually LOL'd at these!!

So, here's an idea...just stick the chickies on an ink pad, let them walk around in it, then put them on a piece of cardstock!! That would be a cute design. Of course, the ink probably wouldn't be good for their little feet! But that picture came to mind when I saw this chick resting from it's work!! XOXO

Oh my gosh is that the cutest bunch of photos. What a little sweetheart - snoozing while standing up! The cards are pretty darned cute too. And, those little cows are adorable from your prior post. Happy Day, and that's no fooling!

Cute cards, cuter chicky baby. :)

Pretty cool stuff! To bad your office intern will just grow into other interests in life beside crafting and photography. Yup, chickens grow up to be interested in so many things! I bet if the lady bug was walking across the table things would happen fast! Love, Dad

Hilarious! Chickie not only got in the way of the camera, she fell asleep there! What fun and a darling bug card!

If this isn't the cutest blog post I've ever seen then I don't know what is! Love it! And the card is adorable too! :)

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