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Did it reach 85 that day? Bleh!

I will share my snow with you. Many many inches over the last few weeks. Tonight what should have been a 10 minute drive, took 35. I love winter & the snow, just not driving in it!!

You're going to have a lot of planting to do! Looks like a great variety - love the pretty flower seeds. Today is beautiful here, but snow is coming tomorrow. It will be a while before we can plant some seeds here. Looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful gardens again.

Sure hope this is not a preview of higher than normal temps all season for TX. Ouch.
Temps are normal but spring seems stalled on a winter weather front. We may get up to 7 more inches of SNOW tonight. Enough already !!!

Wow! 85!? Send some of that up here!

That is TOO HOT TOO SOON!!! In January, we set a heat record on Monday, and had snow the next night! The weather can be really crazy here in Kansas. . . but I'm sure your little chicks will love the warmth of the sun! :D

I guess I slept in..............but it was only 22 when I got up this morning at 7:45! and the snow is rock hard...bummer Love, Dad

Looks like we're having the same weird weather swings (in AZ)... we were just in the low 80s and it's supposed to drop to 60 this weekend!

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