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Cracking up at your dad's comments! My parents were married in 1961, so they'll be celebrating 52 years this fall. Long time. Congratulations to your folks!

Congratulations to your Mom and Dad! We wish them many, many more years of happiness.

Good looking picture!

That's a marriage to be proud of Anna!!! Congratulations to your Dad & Mom!

Where on earth did they get married that not only was an animal head on the wall considered acceptable decor but that it wasn't even decorated with bows or streamers! ROTFLMBO!!! Congrats to them. I'd rather know them than anyone stuck up living in a fancy mansion somewhere! Just kidding!

I LOVE this picture!!! So many reasons to smile, including the antelope on the wall. Happy Anniversary!

The proper method for any kid to figure out the correct aniversary for their parents is to add all the ages of the kids together divide by the number of kids add 2 (the number of humans it takes to create a baby) and you should be really close. If your parents are on the second third or God forbid the fourth marriage.... then the new fangled math is required for the formula to work. I'm not into quantum physics. Mom like the dozen yellow roses I gave her last nite! Love, Dad

Happy 42nd Anniversary (I see Dad corrected it lol!)

I love the close inspection of the cake and the antlers on the wall! Were your Mom's bridesmaids (if she had any) in yellow to match the cake?

Happy Anniversary to your folks.We had an antelope head in our living room back home, along with a few other signs of wildlife. Perks of having a taxidermist/elementary music teacher for a dad. Hope they have a great day and many more wonderful years together.

Oh, how precious are they??!! What a sweet photo! I wish them a really wonderful anniversary! They are 5 years ahead of my hubby and me...it's scary we are all that close to 50~~EEEEKKKK!!! Big hugs to everyone, it's a wonderful thing to celebrate. :D

Wow! You DO look like your Momma! What a fun picture. Your dad sure was making sure that piece of cake was cut JUST right. LOL Thanks for sharing with us and tell them "happy anniversary" for me. ;D

Wrong sweetie. You flunk math! 42 is the correct number. We jumped the stick on March 20 1971. We're peddling real hard for 50. But for an Ironworker 8 years is a really long job. I'm still trying to figure out how that skinny assed boy managed to marry such a beautiful girl..... and stay with her. I'm two of him now! I had to wait until she was legal...or she couldn't take her sox off in the car. The Good Bad and the Ugly was playing at the drive in. I just watched it again last week...so that's how it ended

I love, love, love that photo! Happy Anniversary DK and Lori.

Wow that's quite an accomplishment in today's world! Congrats!!

Forty Three years of wedded bliss! I raise my glass to DK and Lori tonight as I send my heartfelt congratulations.

Happy Anniversary to your Mom & Dad!
I had to giggle ... I have photos of hubby & I cutting our cake in his parents' dining room... eeerily similar! haha

Congrats to your Mom & Dad. What a fun pic - you look like your Mom. Love the antelope in the background - is he the best man? We have his brother hanging in our house!

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