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What a wretched start to 2013. :( It looks like Twiggy has recovered from all the awakenings from your girgling tummy (your post made me laugh). Hope you're up and at 'em this week.

Glad you're better and have such a cute & loving family looking after you! I'm nursing a husband who had bypass surgery on Christmas morn. He's doing well. Can't wait til he's well enough so I can get back to the craft table..heh, heh!
Happy New Year to you and yours.

here on the east coast, they make such noise on the news when we are supposed to get snow. one year, the "storm of the century" was supposed to happen. they closed the local and federal gov'ts.schools were closed, everyone was ordered off the roads, and nothing. not even rain! it was hilarious, and very disappointing. we have hot cocoa and brownies when it snows. (we had them anyway!). and that dog of yours is too adorable. what a cutie. if she ever had puppies, i want one! (i know, she is fixed!)

Awww Twiggy looks so snug and warm there! Glad to hear you're on the mend - hope you get some snow, no sign of any here in Northern Ireland either Boo!

OMGosh, I don't think Miss Twiggy could BE more photogenic!!! You get the most amazing pictures of her! She is just precious in her snowflake blanket, all warm and cozy...
So sorry you didn't get any snow, I know how disappointing that is. Bleah! There really isn't anything much more peaceful than a quiet morning, with new fallen snow all around...so very beautiful! There's just something special about it...
Hope you have a GREAT Saturday, doing everything you wanted. I'm always looking forward to the awesome creations that come from your TX abode... HAPPY DAY! :D

Glad you are feeling better. Always love to see Miss Twiggy! So cute!

I think you need to snuggle under that blanket with Twiggy until you're all better! Maybe Alan can join you, too! ;). Feel better, kiddo. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Robin

It's a dog's life. Lucky Dog! I love her snowflake blanket just what I need to stay warm. Brrr low of 8 degrees last night. Glad you are feeling better. hugs....

So sorry that you had a yucky bug. Glad you are feeling better, and hope you have a good weekend. Cute, cute pic of Twiggy! Hugs.

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