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What fun. Alan is really good at keeping it in the air! Beautiful kite and gorgeous sunny day too!

Beautiful...and we are getting the snow YOU asked for! Have fun! XOXOXO from Idaho

These are life's moments. Thanks for sharing!!

A lovely day in the neighborhood. It snowed here, nothing new in that. great shots love the sun flairs and the mile long tail.That must have been some breeze! A little sand down by the pond and it could remind you of Cannon Beach and the kite festivals. The winds seem good there maybe that would be something for a competition at the school yard? It's warming up, it almost hit 30 today......Love, Dad

Looks fun! I've never flown a kite - someday!!

Love it. Great pics. It's the simple things that make us happy, isn't it.

What a great way to spend a beautiful sunny day!

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