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Only 5 more sleeps until Christmas!!!!!!!!

Santa's helper here!!!

Lemon egg nog--my favorite! (Not)

With a nod to Dickens and the Christmas Carol - "The spirit of Christmas present"

Yipee! I get to be Santa next year!

I've been told that when I am being naughty I am very, very good at it. Does that still count as "good", Santa?

Never maintain this expression on a motorcycle!!

He, he, he, I know what I'm gettin' for Xmas!!

Yahoo my girls home for Christmas!!!

honest, wasn't me looking for the gifts, it was anna!

I'm so happy I could just....

The Mayans got it wrong!!!

"I peeked! It's awesome."

My baby's home!!!! ♥

Oh, Mrs. Claus you've been naughty!!

Only four more days and I can open the funny looking present....

Did I do that?........... Hormel chili is my favorite....
We stopped at Furgusons Diner in the Garland District of Spokane on the way home from the big airplane place. I hope they let me come back..I was pretty quiet except that one little time.

Say What?!? Oooohhhhh Noooooo Anna - you are NOT moving back in with us. You have to go back home to Texas, Alan, and the farm critters after the holidays are over!!!

Who cut the cheese??????

"I've been good Santa, honest I have!"

Santa's logger brother is happy he's not Santa at this time of year!

My girl is home!

He was a jolly old elf...

Now, let's listen to the Unicorn Song from your favorite member of The Irish Rovers.


Happiest man on earth!

Is it time to open presents YET?

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