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I'll bet they love being allowed to dig and scratch to their hearts' content. Beautiful chickens! So colorful and so many varieties and personalities. {LOVE.}

Hi Rick! No the girls are not allowed in the garden much during growing season. :) I work too hard for that! I do let them out now and then but only when I have the garden beds wrapped with bird netting to keep the chickens, cats, and armadillos out if the beds.


OK...are they allowed in the garden during growing season?

Our girls loved our garden to death, if you know what I mean. My plans for abundant fall veggies turned to chicken feed!

Buff is beautiful. Love ready all of your posts!

Thank you for sharing your chickens with us, they all have such great names too. And hi to Moose, what a handsome boy. You sure have been blessed with a life filled with wonderful critters.

Love it!They are all just beautiful...

I love them ALL! But, Sterling is a particularly regal looking guy - perfect name! XO

Wonderful chicken pics, so many varieties and fabulous feather colors and styles. I am getting a chuckle out of some and WOW is Sterling one HANDSOME Rooster!!!

They're gorgeous! Each and every one of them!

Oh, I love your chickens, Anna! I can't wait for the day I get my own chickens. I am getting all sorts of ideas regarding what "type" of chickens I should get by checking out your gorgeous crew!

One chicken photos, Anna! Thank you, I've been sad about tiny Tim and these helped to cheer me up! Hugs!

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