« Garden Update: June 14, 2012 | Main | Happy Father's Day! »


Oh my goodness! That is a whole lotta cucumber! Amazing!

It might be time for your Dad & Mom to come visit you, Anna. Looks like you might need some canning re-enforcements! I'm getting a little nervous wondering if the hen house is going to disappear with all the plants! I can handle the spiders; dealt with a lot of tarantulas in Costa Rica and even a couple of scorpions, but those grasshoppers, they are plain gross!

Holy Hen!!! What do you do w/all the cucumbers Anna? pickles I'm sure..but what else?
love your new picture :)


Holy Moly those are big cucumbers!! Please, please do a seed share. Love your new photo!! Very cute.

Wow those are some huge cucumbers. I've never heard of that variety before. Always fun to see what's new on the farm.
Love your profile photo and oh my tell Alan he's got some great looking muscles there too!

What on earth are you going to do with all that cucumber? Too much relish and pickles for me. :( Have a wonderful weekend. hugs...

Those cucumbers are ridiculous! I enjoy your garden posts! Makes me kinda maybe give it a try.

PS - did you ever find a home for that sweet pup?

Wow! Those babies are huge. Sure they're not zuchinni? Would love to have a garden, but we have soooooo many deer here that it would be impossible without a six foot fence. Cukes are my favorite veggy. My mom makes an awesome dish....cukes, onions, oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and a little sugar. Let it all marinate for a couple of hours and then yummo! Have a great weekend. Robin

Enjoyed your gardening pictures. We garden, too(cucumbers, tomatoes, squash, peppers, and melons). Gardening is not for sissies!! LOL And, we will later plant a Fall garden. Story of my life! Take care, and Happy Farming!

I love seeing all your garden photos and your pretty profile picture! The wolf spiders really creep me out though!

So, you're making pickles in whiskey kegs? Far out! Bread and Butter pickles would be great by the wheelbarrow load. Now about the spiders in the garden...... I'll pick the veggies with a shovel in hand. I have never seen cuc's that big must be radio active!........ Love, Dad

Joe got a packet of Armenian cuke seeds in a Scholastic Books thing. Book plus seeds. I gave them to his Scoutmaster cuz they are planting a community garden, so don't know if they were planted or not. Glad to see yours so can have an idea of we might get! :) Oh, and your new photo is soooooo pretty! I love it so much more than the old one.

Ooh; I'll enter for seeds!

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