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Oh, goodness -- what a cutie!! Congrats to you, new dog-mom!

I knew you were going to keep him. In fact, I thought he was the 'cheerful' news that you announced that turned out to be the guest designer. I must say that both 'bits' of news are turning out quite well! :) I'm sure that Mr. Farley is very happy that you have accepted this new life to the farm and family.

Ohhhhhhh, so happy for Moose! He looks like a wonderful big boy, so good natured. Of course, he's a Mama's boy--why wouldn't he be?! :) Love his tilted head look.

Congratulations Moose - you have found a fantastic home with Anna and Alan.

Awwwwwww...he's adorable. I am so happy he has such a good home with you. What a sweet story.

congrats on your new addition. Moose is adorable !! What a lucky dog to have been dumped where he was ...... he'll have the best life with you on the farm.

One more thing, I clicked back to the photo from last week and he looks SO MUCH better already...bigger, happier, relaxed. Just so happy he is with you!

YAAAAAY, Anna! I am soo sooo happy that Moose has found a home with you both! I never would have been able to give him up either, that face! He is so lucky to have you and I know he will love life on the farm!

Moose looks like he'll be a great farm dog! So glad to hear you're keeping him!

I'm so happy for Moose! How does Miss Daisy like him? He is a real cutie and has gotten himself a really great home!

Moose! Welcome li'l guy! You are adorable and must have eaten some four leaf clovers to have had your nasty previous owners drop you in the perfect driveway! Can't wait to read of your adventures!

Ahhhhhh, really close to my heart story. Our dog Mousse died a few years ago after having a tumor removed and the cancer finally took him, He looked exactly like your new fur baby. I hope you have as much fun with yours as we did with ours, Moose, you are one lucky dog!

That dog has no idea how lucky he is :) He's quite handsome and I look forward to lots of Moose stories!

I felt sure you would keep him. He is a beautiful dog and I know he is getting lots of love from you both as well as being a Mama's boy.

THIS is why I couldn't live in the country. People would figure out I was a softie and I'd have a bazillion doggies.

But this Moose is definitely a keeper. Love the eyes!

Oh gosh, I had TEARS in my eyes reading this! I am SO happy you decided to keep him -- what a love :)

Wow! Congrats ...I almost ask you to give it to us....;)) Gina

Yay!!!! Welcome Moose. Congrats on your newest addition.

Those eyes. That face. What a beautiful dog. Looks a lot like my Charlie, a big ole' black lab. Congrats on your latest little buddy. Hugs, Robin

Congratulations on the new addition to your family. Moose is one lucky young dog!

Yay! Moose has no idea how lucky he is!!! Congratulations on your new "baby". :)

He's a lucky dog! Do you still have Twiggy. Haven't read or seen anything about her in a while.

I love that you have chosen to keep Moose. He is one lucky dog...now you have to move your 'chicken watching cameras' to the end of your driveway and catch the morons who dump pets off like trash. They need to 'pay' for that one way or another. What they did is so wrong. God bless you and your SO for saving the many you save. Can't wait to watch Moose and Frosty grow up!

What a wonderful addition to the family! Can't wait to watch him grow up!

Lucky lucky dog!


What a handsome new member of the family. I am so sure he will not be spoiled at all.... Congrats!

you have me grinning from ear to ear...love the name...he is quite the camera shy little man isn't he...HAHA! how wonderful to see your family grow, 4 feet at a time! i am sure you will share wonderful stories about your new man on the farm. thanks for sharing!!

You and Alan are just the BEST. I hope Moose knows what a lucky dog he is.

Congratulations! He is one lucky dog. Plus, he's adorable.

Oh my!! He is so beautiful! I am happy you all are keeping him. He will be an asset to your farm and a good working dog--also for good people thearpy too. LOL!!
Jeanette Duke

oh my gosh, do I ever want to grab him for a cuddle! what a sweetie! I could just hear him talking to you while at the vet! giggles! love the expressions on his face.

will show these piccys to hubby when he gets home, as I know he will fall in love with your Moose, too. :)

Your photos are beautiful, he is one lucky doggie and will be working for his purina. God bless you and Alan for having big hearts!

Moose is such a doll! Im so glad you decided to keep him!

God Bless you & Alan. May Moose bring you joy & laughter. He is adorable!

Yay!! I was hoping you were going to keep him! Bless you and Alan for being so loving! Moose is such a doll, so cute and lovable! Nothing can replace your beloved Mr. Farley, but I'm sure Moose will fit right into your hearts! Can't wait to see more phtos! Thank you for sharing! Debbie Pokerwinski from Buffalo, NY

...and the family continues to grow! Congratulations Anna. Moose is quite handsome and most photogenic. I'm very happy for you and Moose. I love it when good things happen to good people and good dogs. Good begets good.

What beautiful photos of Moose! He's a lucky pup, and can't believe how big he is already. Maybe y'all can teach him to eat grasshoppers, ha ha! :) I REALLY hope no more dropped-off critters by your house for a long while.

He is beautiful!!! Glad u kept him!!!!looking forward to seeing all his escapades!!!

God bless you for keeping Moose.... He is a fine young dog who was so lucky to be dropped off at your house.

Moose has found the "perfect" home!

Congratulations on a GREAT addition to the farm.

Well Anna, he is a fine young lad, and will live a great life on the farm. I see the Lab, but not sure of the rest. Welcome home, Moose!

Welcome to your sweet puppy, glad he is staying with you at the farm. he has the cutest face, and resembles Boxcar Betty, don't ya think,lol

Oh he is so cute, congrats on the new addition to your family!

He is one blessed puppy, he has found the best home ever! He's a cutie and I look forward to hearing all about his new adventures!

It was meant to be!!! Mr. Farley sent him there to mend your broken heart. Cant wait to hear all about Moose's adventures on the farm.

Oh Anna you and Alan have such big hearts! The doggie got a very good home~and Moose is a terrific name. He looks so sweet and content!

Congratulations, he is gorgeous and I know he will bring you years of joy. Thank you for giving this precious little guy a forever home. He is lucky the "idiot" dropped him at your house. Enjoy the new addition to your family.

Moose is beautiful!! Good Luck with him!

He's a doll! My kids (college age now) and I have always loved and wanted a dog but my husband's allergies prevented that.

Another rescue?!?! You two are the best! And Moose is so cute! :)

very awesome news!!! now teach him to pick vegetables,lol

YAY!! Welcome Moose! He is so cute! ENjoy!

I knew you were going to keep that puppy. He is so adorable. He has such a cute expression on his face. Congratulations Mom!

GREAT to hear that good news, and you folks have a big heart for animals for sure :-)

Ha! I think Jennifer is right! He wasn't dumped, he jumped to be with you guys!

Funny how things work out... by the feet and that face, my guess is a GreatLab or Labradane. Possible Plotrador, what does the tail look like? long with some "feathers" or long and skinny? Then again could be Black Greyhoundador. If he ever gets them legs pumping he'll be down to Willy's before you catch up to the dust cloud.......Youza! Love, Dad

Ah superb, I am sure Moose will do a fabulous job and ..........just look at those stunning eyes.

Good luck to you all

Jackie, Southam, UK

So cute. Look at those glowing eyes. He'll be a great companion to you in days and years to come. Great choice to keep him!

He is beautiful, and very lucky you found him.

Maybe he wasn't dumped in your driveway, maybe he jumped out when he saw how happy all the other animals are :) Glad you found a new buddy for Sweet Miss Daisy and for you and Alan too!

He's one lucky doggie!

Well, blow me away...I knew you two couldn't say goodbye to this cute fella. Welcome to the family, MOOSE! Love, MOM

Oh, I'm so glad...it was a little dog-lonely at your house, huh? Moose will LOVE it there!!! Have fun... XOXO

You big hearted woman you!! God blesses
people like you and Alan.

Well Moose your are one lucky puppy. You have the BEST Forever home with Anna and Alan. :) We hope to see lots of you as you grow and florish. Big Hugs...

Moses is quite a handsome fellow! I'm glad you're keeping him. He'll have a wonderful life!

Anna, you just make my heart smile! You are a true friend to the animals. :-)



What a handsome little devil! I am so happy to hear that you've decided to keep him, your pictures of him last week really tugged at my heartstrings. Good luck and wishing you lots of slobbery kisses from your new found friend!

Welcome, Moose ... you lucky, lucky dawg!!
Mama's boy ... as is only proper. ;)
That face says so much already!!

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