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Awwww, don't we have the BEST dads, Anna?! P.S. I want to waterski on that lake--the water looks like glass!

OK, now you're gonna make me misty eyed, I just comment as I see'em. Not claiming to be perfect and trying to learn from my endless string of mistakes. An old softy seems to get away with more if he is packing a handfull of flowers and smiling as if he has good sense. Taking the boss lady out to dinner now and again is a big help as well, and never buy a woman an appliance or a toy for the kids and put her name on it...that was painful. My Girls are both Diamonds and Their many friends I consider daughters as well (I dont dare ask any ages) So thanks again Sherri for the sugar I'll save it up for someone that needs a little sugar for themself one day..Love, Dad

I don't know how long I've followed your blog now; three to four years now and your dad, Mr. DK Wight is kind of like the father every girl wishes she could have! So, Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wight, a little belated! Thanks for the humorous comments and for being the classy kinda guy you are! You're special to all of us here.

Thanks Carol, it was a quiet day this year, fairly warm but with the hint of rain. This morning it started and the forecast is for rain for another day or so then into the 70's. Lori and I will take boat out and see what we see and have a lunch on the water somewhere. I hope all the other fathers out there had a day of quiet reflection on the things in life that inhabit their lives and give them that little smile at times when they think about them. We have much to be thankful for. At the moment she is snoring away in her reclining chair with Tippi the cat and a quilt, schools out.

A CLASSIC (both your dad and the photo!!;) Just so sweet and touching that the two of you enjoy a bit of life together at this pastime. I KNOW Father's Day was wonderful, cause he has you, Anna, as a doting daughter!! BTW--I love your sweet, fresh faced avatar pic--nice to see you:)

Great photo and am loving the huge amounts of veggies from your garden.

Oh Anna I love this photo of you Dad, heck, I am rather fond of D.K. Wight, too! Your parents are super. Always fun to read his Comments here... We do know where you got your sense of humor. *wink* Happy Father's D.K. :)

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