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Bless your chickens for helping you with the grasshopper population. Whenever I see a bunch of grasshoppers, I always think of Laura Ingalls Wilder books and how the grasshoppers moved in and ate their entire crop. :( Your garden looks lovely. Crossing my fingers that you get some watermelon this year. :)

Wow! What a garden. I must agree with your Dad about those spiders & Robin about the grasshoppers. Yuck, yuck, yuck! And, since I'm catching up on your posts, I'm so envious of those beautiful tomatoes & congrats on the wonderful family for little Lulu. Hugs & happy weekend - it's supposed to be 96 here on Sunday.

Holy moly, I have never seen that many grasshoppers at once! Grasshoppers don't bother me but you can definitely keep those spiders!! Bleah!

I've stopped rocking in the corner of the room for now - those grasshopper pictures are going to give me nightmares for a LONG time!! You posted those just for me, right?!? Nice garden though :)

wow! your harvest is a plenty, and the garden has been a success this year!!! I'm so happy for you. Thank goodness it hasn't been like LAST year!
Now, those chickens and ducks need to eat some more grasshoppers! OMGosh, there are tons of them! I've seen them like that in TN, a long time ago...just TOO MANY to count! We used them as fish bait...the fish love them! I used to catch them and put them into a match box or jar. They always spit on you when you put the hook thru! LOL I'll bet your Dad has done this as well! ha
Glad the harvest is plentiful. Keep those gorgeous tomatoes coming!

I absolutely love seeing your garden pictures. Takes me back to my granny's garden that I loved visiting. I'm afraid the closest I'll ever get to a garden again is through your pictures. Had I seen spiders and grasshoppers like you have, I'd never have gone back in to my granny's garden, she didn't have chickens. Lulu looks adorable and I'm sure she'll be so happy with a family with kids. Bless you for that.

Okay, I was already creeped out with the wolf spiders, then you had to show us the grasshoppers. Then you SHOWED US MORE! This is the stuff of nightmares! ACK! I could so never live in TX.

PS: That cute puppy with his new forever home MIGHT have redeemed you. :)

Hooray for chickens! I had a friend who would let visitors take a grasshopper off a plant and throw them into the chicken coop -- the chickens were kinda trained! Letting them roam through is probably more efficient!

It's not nice of you to mislead people about the size of the spiders. I personally have seen wolf spiders down there 3inches across and that zuchini leaf......just 6 inches across!! That spider is as big as a hockey puck for cripes sake, where's the shotgun.... that picture gives me the shakes....I can only think of one word... RAID kills bugs dead....the only thing worse that spiders for me is bats. That's a whole nother story tho....Love Dad

Those spiders are.......icky! Shiver! But I do appreciate seeing the photos! I wondered how you faired after the huge storm. Did you get tons of giant sized hail too? LOVE the chicken photos. More please!

YuCk!! Grasshoppers are gross! We usually don't get them till late July/early August here in Michigan. Our planting season is sooo far behind yours. You'd get a laugh if you could see our plants..just starting to blossom/come on in the garden...Love your new picture! hope all is well...

WOW look at the garden grow! Way ahead of us here in IA. I was out tonight with the camera taking some phot updats. Can't wait to see the next surprise! :)
Ugh, grasshoppers, and so many of them. Good Chickens. IT was mighty brave of you to let the spiders stay and even take close up pics, (I know how you feel about them.)

Those grasshoppers make my skin crawl. Yuck! I'd rather see the spiders then those hoppers. So glad you found a home for the lost puppy. I would have taken him but my dh would not have been a happy camper...and he's already grumpy enough. Ha! Hey, great new pic of you on the blog. What's the name of the friend you're holding? Take care. Robin

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