« Garden Update: April 9, 2012 | Main | The "NEW" Garden »


Your Dad cracks me up! Sounds like he surely does miss you...that is so nice! I'm sure he would welcome you home any day of the week! :D
Glad I didn't see this until the next post, 'cause I would have said "got hitched", too! Then I would have been all excited and who knows what would have happened!!!
Have a great weekend. The new garden (and the already sown one) looks fantastic! :)

You were so tricky. :) I see it is a garden plot instead of nuptials. I have this farmer and farmgirl--they are so cute!

Sounds like you got married :) I'm bettin.

Hmmmm..... after WE take a shower....

Tell me you did nkot set up a roadside stand and hawk your veggies and some critters. What ever it was, hope you had fun...

Tied the knot!! :)

Beats the heck out of me, but now I'm on the edge of my seat waiting with baited breath to find out. It's not nice to tease your Readers like this!

Could be a million different things!

My guess is that you got married.

Pregnant........Na.......hummm Sold the farm.........yup, sold the farm, I'll bet $50 on it.

Sold the farm? Ya I'm guessing you sold the farm and the moving van is on the way. We can handle the extra food bill. The 3 upstairs bedrooms are open again since the quilt shop has been inhabited, and the upstair bathroom is operational too. Ma bought a whole boat load of new fabric so it looks like time for a new fly rod! I like pay back!.............. Love, Dad maybe I better go back to the top of the columb and read it before I get ready to take Farley fishin.

I sure hope it was gardening!!!!

My bet is on marriage:)

Ohhh dear, I`m guessing the $&*"! is going to hit the fan, especially when your Dad comments :) LOL Or maybe you both went and got new cowboy hats? XoXoX

Well I hope it's that you planted the garden coz if you went off and got married without me present, well. . . . lets just say somebody will be in B-I-G trouble. I'm jus sayin'! :)

Awck, your killing me. 1st thought was they look like a married couple! (Did you?) Then, oh I suppose they got something harvested from the garden already. BUT NOT YET! Soooo.... do tell.... ;0)

ROTFL!!!! Does that mean you'll have enough veggies to invite us down?

You two are SO funny!

Well... you either planted the garden or got married! Was it #2???

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