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He should be happy you didn't put a red nose on him, too! Happy Birthday!

A great big happy B-Day to Alan. Sorry it's a day late - just got back to town. Just in time as today (the 25th) is my anniversary. Hugs to both.

Ah, oui!! Voila Monsieur Cluck!! Birthday regalia has never looked so impressive, non?!! I'm sure Madame Cluck made it a memorable day--this is a GREAT start with that:))))) Happy, Hatty Birthday, Anna's Alan:)

It's my sweetie's birthday, too! Happy Birthday, Alan!

I like the hat. Did he wear that all day? Happy birthday, Alan! Hope Anna spoiled you. :)

Happy Birthday to Alan!

wellllllllllll, at least you left off the clown collar. :) A very happy birthday wish to Alan!!!!!!!! :))))))))

Happy Birthday!!! Love the hat!

Okay, I need to show Jeff this, and he won't feel so bad at the pics I put of him on the ol' blog! Love it.

Di - who will be asking how you did it come December...ha!

How did I forget that Alan's birthday is the same date as my oldest son's birthday??!! A Very Happy Birthday to the King of the Farm! I trust you are making him a wonderful dinner and cake! (I hope you all aren't burning up down there today, it's in the 80s here! Yikes...we may be in for another sweltering summer. Let's hope not!) HBDTY, Alan!!!

But he looks so GOOOOOD! Happy Birthday, Alan :-)

At least it wasn't a birthday suit!
Happy Birthday Alan!!

Happy Birthday Alan!! (love the hat!!!) Ann Lind

Happy Birthday, Alan! I say, "what goes around comes around", so I am expectantly looking forward to Anna's birthday on here as well!!!

Oh my, I'm loving it! Happy Birthday alan!

Happy Birthday, Alan! You wear your party hat well. Have a super birthday filled with love, laughter and cake would be good too!

Oh, no you didn't! Good thing Your Alan already sports a mustache or you might have drawn one on as well.

My Alan and I wish Your Alan all the best and many happy returns on his birthday.

I'll not fall for all the clap trap of mushy sentiment here. I find that bald guys are much more human and touchy feely. I made that observation while looking in the mirror at the bald guy at my house. Ya, he's secure in his manhood under the hat. After 29 they are over rated. So, Happy 25 th birthday kiddo!

Such a fetching look...! Happy Birthday, Alan.

Oh, yeah! He's looking very STUDly in that hat!! Happy Birthday, Alan! Anna, you just have too much fun!!! XO

Oh-oh Anna, you might hope he misses toddays post! LOL. Anyway, I do see a pretty handsome dude under that hat. (And hopefully a good sport!) Hope your day is wonderful Alan. Happy Birthday. Hugs for both of you.

Happy Birthday Alan! That hat is so YOU!! :)

Happy Birthday Alan. You look so debonair in your birthday hat. LOL

Haha! Happy Birthday, Alan!

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