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Looks like Alan does have a steady hand. He MIGHT be ready for "card punching" duties.

Much less painful than branding and cutting the little bulls. I used to hate that part when we lived on a ranch for a year. :( Your calves have a comparative cake-walk. Do you ever have to dehorn them?

It must be hard to see them go. Thanks for the interesting pics & description of what's going on for us city slickers! Hugs.

Snifffffff, I always dreaded market day. That and off to the butchers day always sent me into a spin. Every seen a family with 3 kids stuffed in an old station wagon loaded with 6 chickens, 2 sheep and a pig? That was probably us! One year our truck was broke and dear old Dad hobbled up Mr. Piggy and shoved the rest in and off to the butcher we went! The cow got a reprieve that day! LOL!

What's a road brand? Thinking it must be kind of hard to see them go. Such beauties! Thanks for the link to the hatchery...choices, choices, choices!!

I bet it is hard to see them go. IT does look like all went easily. I imagine it helps that they have been handles and loved on and trust you and Alan. Hugs....

It sounds like they did really well! My Dad bought my husband a chute for Vet school graduation! We really needed one, and didn't have the money! They are essential for working the cattle...I don't know how folks used to do without them!
Hugs to the ones leaving, I will miss them. :(( But such is the cattle business...you can't keep all of them forever as pets! You have such a wonderful herd of Dexters. They are such a beautiful breed! *HUGS*

Hi Dad,
Nope, no road brand here -- we ear tag, and tattoo the ears (of our registered critters).

Cluck, cluck!

Hey! I suggested naming her Pixie Stix! Love that you liked the idea! :) you come up with the best names! :)

Hum, very macho. Somebody needs a slobber rag. Youse guys gotta road brand? Or do they need them in Texas.......Just wonderin, I've never seen any on the herd so brands aren't used anymore in Texas? Dad

awwwww. I wouldn't be able to sell them. I'd be crying. Pixie Stix looks like she's crying here too :-(

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