I had a request to post some "chick" photos. We don't have any chicks right now, so how about some of the Turken girls, instead!? Photos taken yesterday evening...
Olive Oyle, lays the prettiest olive green eggs that are covered with brown speckles.
Fancy, so big and fluffy, I just love holding her!
Cashew, a young pullet (less than 1 year), daughter of Olive Oyle and Admiral.
And not a "girl" or Turken, but I can't resist sharing this photo of Admiral. Such a handsome fella, and just as sweet as can be. I love his polka dot beard and chest.
Have a great weekend!
Cluck cluck!

Very well said.
Posted by: Solomon Vaughn | February 06, 2012 at 04:07 PM
Those are most interesting chickens. I've never seen ones like that before.
Oh and I must say I adored seeing Baaaad Boxcar Betty in your posts this week.
Posted by: Ida | February 05, 2012 at 08:47 PM
Danielle, Once upon a time when in Oregon and on vacation trips Anna would take a fake stuffed chicken along on trips and they would take turns or have people take pictures of them with the pretty white chicken. this became such a hit that other folks along the way wanted to have their picture taken with that chicken as well!
Imagine the look on the faces in an oncoming car at the sight of a chicken on the dashboard of a car coming at you! Gnarly I tell you, Yup gnarly!...... If I'm liein' I'm diein'............. Dad
Posted by: D K Wight | February 05, 2012 at 12:09 AM
Man, that rooster is a total hunk!
It has been so many years since I had chickens. I adore seeing photos of flock. Really all your critter photos make me smile. Thanks.
Posted by: Martha | February 04, 2012 at 08:38 PM
Hey Miss Anna ~ First of all, THANKS to your Dad for my anatomy lesson in chickens and choking! That one made me choke from swallowing my spit the wrong way!!! haaa!
I adore your upclose & personal views of these crazy looking critters, but of course you know I have to ask how is my gal, Betty! Ohhh and what about that baldy himself, Tiny Tim! Haven't heard much about him lately so I hope he is staying warm and hopefully, over his male-pattern-baldness :D
Posted by: Robb_eeie | February 04, 2012 at 08:37 PM
Your dad is too funny! I really got a chuckle at his comment! They are all beautiful! Some day, I'm gonna have a chicken. I don't think my husband will actually be surprised...
Posted by: Danielle | February 04, 2012 at 08:13 PM
Dont let the coyotes get that rooster! A docile rooster with a long neck and that honey badger color is a keeper.(breeding stock) The older they get the longer the hackles get (more long feathers = more dry flies per feather) and money in your pocket. Not that Dad wants to choke your chicken,just saying that his offspring rooster chicks have a great chance of being $50.00 roosters thanks to some hair fashion designers driving the prices up,and that aint just pocket change! The fad of using expensive dry fly hackles in the hair of models is killin' us fly tiers. It better not last! It's a lovely day in the neighborhood! Love, Dad
Posted by: D K Wight | February 04, 2012 at 01:18 PM
Your hens and rooster are beautiful animals, gorgeous! Thanks Anna. I use to call my hens "the dixie chicks" ..LOL
Julie, ps... Olive's eggs sound really unique...
Posted by: Julie Phillips | February 04, 2012 at 09:27 AM
All your barnyard beauties look so well loved and cared for and it really shows, Anna. It brings out wonderful personalities in them too and sounds like "life on the farm is kinda laid back". Ain't nuthin' better than bein' a country girl:)I mean, I still enjoy my leopard print bootlets and jacket with the red hood, but I can totally appreciate and love "fresh" country air in co-existence!!:) YeeHaw and cluck,cluck there and moo, moo here
Posted by: Michele Ghent (mitchygitchygoomy) | February 04, 2012 at 08:30 AM
Admiral is one HANDSOME rooster! Good thing he is sweet. So many roosters get a bit *Cocky* !!!! Have a super Saturday, hugs...
Posted by: Carol Dee | February 04, 2012 at 07:33 AM
So cute!!! And the Admiral is just stunning! I want chicks :))
Have a nice weekend!
Hugs from Desirée in north Norway :)
Posted by: Desiree | February 04, 2012 at 06:19 AM
Are you sure Fancy isn't a velociraptor? She's got that look in her eye...
Posted by: Shala Carter | February 03, 2012 at 11:54 PM