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Those are awesome!

I checked in your etsy shop to see if you actually named them, and there was not a kitten to be seen. They must have all sold in short order! As if the kittens weren't cute enough, you had to go and name them adorable names. ;-)

yep, you snooze, you lose. Very cute kitties! I loved the name Lemon Breath!

you need to franchise!! lol, everything you do and sell goes so fast!! congrats, now if you can only figure out how to stay up 24/7 hahahah!!

Anna, your work is absolutely brilliant! So, so cute! I meant to comment first thing this morning and I was hoping to adopt a critter...and then I read other comments and learned they have ALL found forever homes.... =(

Gaaaaaaah....they are gone again! Shoot, I'll have to pay closer attention. Or if you make any more, could you put one in a reserved spot for me? I promise I'll buy it!!!
Have a great week. Hugs to the animals! :D

You got me again! I see that they have all been adopted this morning. :) Hugs...

love your names! LOL!

Can't help myself! I fell in love with Lemon Breath! Anna, these are all perfectly darling!

Lola is my favorite since that was my Mom's name. They are very cute. :D

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