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Yay, Ducks! I'm an OSU alumnus, but my husband attended U of O.
Enjoy being back at home, sweet home, and we'll look forward to your 2012 cards and photos and musings about your Texas farm life.
Love it!

That is such a beautiful photo. Love the shadows/light (and the snow!). Glad you're digging out after getting home safely. I'm still doing the same thing.

Happy New Year, Anna! Welcome home!

Happy New Year! Toad is ADORABLE! You have the best pet names! So creative!

Welcome back to the farm, and a Happy New Year to you all! Please do take some time to relax, and we'll survive while you do! I wish the best of all things for you in this brand new year! :D

I love Toad's little heart-shaped nose!! So sorry we didn't get to meet up with each other when you were here!! Happy New Year, and Love...Jeanne

Welcome Home! So glad to see snow down there..except for the horrible accidents. Toad looks so much like my Bibby that I couldn't tell the difference from the email photo. Had to open the link. Happy New Year!!!!!

Beautiful cat -- beautiful photo -- go BADGERS!!!

Love the photo of Toad, (At 1st I thought it was a new one and you had snow that we do not!) Glad you are home safe and sound. I am sure evryone missed you. Happy New Year.

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