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To Lorrie - too bad you felt the need to write a note like that to Anna. Can't you just share in the joy of Anna and Alan adopting this little dog? Maybe you should have directed your note to the people that left the little dog to fend for herself among snakes, coyotes, etc. on the side of the road. We love that little dog, too, and even if we give her little presents, we still donate to an animal shelter for other dogs.

I love Miss Twiggy & didn't confuse your post about addressing things to her. She's a lucky puppy living with you. Your Dad's comment is a hoot. My son's great grandfather once munched on dry cat food thinking it was people munchies! I'm not sure if he really did eat any of it as he was a real kidder. It was fun though. Hugs.

I am appalled at what Lorrie wrote. Just disregard her comment. We do not feel like she posted AT ALL! We love your critters, and you are one of the most wonderful people on the planet. She should be ashamed!
I love the picture, that is one CUTE puppy dog! I would love to snuggle her up and cuddle with her! :D

Dear sweet Miss Twiggy,
do you know there was a fabulous model by your name? Such a sweet face, it makes me chuckle every time I see it.
I'm quite sure many of your readers already donate to their own community animal shelters, and I'm sure you were not intending to solicit anything but good wishes. It's nice though than everyone can express their opinions. I get such pleasure from hearing about your critters and farm life, thank you for sharing it.

Seriously Lorrie lady...seriously???..Anna is one of kindest, most caring people I have ever met. She & Alan pour their hearts out to all of their four-legged furry friends on their farm, and they are all considered part of the family. Anna was simply sharing the pics/progress of this newest addition, as many people inquire about her and truly would want to send her a little tasty treat...

Hi Lorrie,
Thank you for your note, and your expressed concern about my posting an address for Twiggy. I have readers who think of our animals as family members, just like we do. Twiggy may receive a "welcome to the family" card or two (probably from my mother), but nothing more. I'm sorry if my post was off-putting; that was not my intent.


How about suggesting viewers donate to their own local animal shelters instead of to your own adoptee. I'm sure your new addition will be taken care of ten-fold now that you've given out an address.I am shocked quite frankly.

I am sure she'll share her treats with her two fury body guards ;)

Love Miss Twiggy! I pinned a photo of her on one of my Pinterest boards the other day. She's one lucky dog!

Her face just makes you smile all over! Love the little bells on her collar. All set to help Santa!

I can hear you giggling at her excitement. :) You're both so cute.

Anna, your photos always make me smile. Miss Twiggy is so adorable. I'm sure she is brightening up your holiday season, along with all of your other "family" members. Keep on doing what you're doing.

She is so cute :)

OMG...I am giggling at Mr. Wight's post! Too funny! She is the cutest looking dog ever! I hope she has a wonderful Christmas!

Why is it the smaller dogs only seem to have those two sppeds :) Have fun.

Ya spose she'd like Jerky? Mom bought a great big bag a while back and I didn't read the lable very well before opening and eating some.......bummer, it seems it was for Mr. Farley, Daisy and Miss Twiggy. Not bad either just not as good with beer as Jack Links brand...Love, Dad

She is a Miss Cutie, I think :-)Maybe she would like to visit my blog...

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