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I have faced similar problems, here's how I beat the heat in south Georgia. I use a large cistern to collect and store rainwater, and drip irrigation. Also heavy mulching (12") can help to cool the soil. Mulch right after a good rain, before the heat sets in, for me that's about June 1. This is works great for tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, okra, squash. Good luck, great blog!

Boy, that's a sight for sore eyes! We were all wondering if you were EVER going to see rain again! Thank goodness. So happy for you and the critters. I'm sure they were glad to have a good washing off! That had to feel good. I hope you get MORE!

Anna, does that rain gauge really say 1 1/2" of rain?! Yippee! It's about time!

Yahooooo!! So glad for the rain! Was beginning to think we'd have to mail ya some from Washington St! Hugs

This is my favorite photograph of the year!

Finally!!! Congrats!!! Hopefully it won't be the last!! :)

Anna, I glad to see that you have received some rain. After all the predictions of five days of rain here, we received a total of .30 inches of rain. Hardly worth mentioning. Today will be rake the leaves and put them in the compost pile. The leaf compost pile always starts with a mountain of leaves in the fall and works it's way down into almost compost by spring.

I really enjoyed the fast video of you creating one of your stamp creations. It inspired me to think about doing the same with me working in the garden or on the patio in the backyard.

Have a great Texas fall day.

Yay! We're getting rain today in NC. I wonder if it's your system that came this way?

Holy smokes, you got A LOT of rain!!!! Congrats, I am glad you finallly got some much needed precipitation.

Congratulations on getting some of the dust settled around the yard! Maybe I should get one for the old homestead myself. It is beginning to feel like ours will be better measured with a yard stick tho, my poor old "finners" are still cold this after noon..... Love, Dad

Glad you're getting some much needed rain. Who needs to watch baseball, anyway!

Yee-haw!!! Over 1 1/2 inches is great, I hope there is more on the way. You all certainly need it. Have a wonderful week. (Yep, the sunset was beautiful.) Hugs....

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