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These produce look healthy to eat! This is a must-visit market because of the freshness and the quality of the fruits and vegetables they sell. The Danish acorns are tempting, and so are the pears.

Nothing better than a visit to the Oregon Coast, in my humble opinion. :) Your photos are beautiful and make me want to be able to draw (especially those fat pumpkins!). P.S. Do you take Vitamin D3? My doctor said I was low in it, and since I started taking it, I have fewer colds and illnesses . . . something to think about. Hope you feel better SOON!

Pictures are absolutely beautiful. Especially, that bridge. WOW!

Wow what a great bunch of photos. I just love the OR coast, haven't been in awhile but there's so much to see and do there.
Sorry to hear you came back feeling sickly, hope you are better by now. Hugs

Looks like you had a fabulous trip,love the photos of those beautiful veggies, that bridge is awesome. You have such a fabulous eye for photo's, thanks so much for sharing the beauty of your trip.

I can sympathize with your dad. Mountains? Beaches? Decisions, decisions. Gorgeous pictures. PNW had best weather of the country all summer. Not compare your poor drought-stricken garden with Oregon! Get better soon!

Oh Anna - Please feel better soon!!!

Your photos are fabulous and make me want to eat more vegetables!!! Nice.


Now I'm hungry...I'll take one of those pears! Hoping your feeling better soooon!

I am so glad you could get up here and that you had a good time! Lone Pine closes on Monday (until spring); I may have to frame your photo's for the kitchen to get me through the winter ;)

Papa Wight, ohhh sounds like an invitation I would LOVE to accept! It would be a blast meeting all of you in person. :) *sigh* Just wishin.... hugs....

So beautiful, Anna...your camera has been very busy! Hey, I'm sorry you're sick - I've had this thing for about 14-15 days, and I've been coughing so hard my voice is GONE! Let's all get well, 'K? XOXO

Carol Dee, When we get the date and spot picked out along the coast, I'll let you know, and no One or Two more would not even be noticed. Just a few more groceries and dont forgt your camera and solid beach shoes! Kites are available anywhere along the coast.

Comments on the photos later. I think you need to call your doctor today. You should be feeling a bit better by now. The bronchitis could be turning into pneumonia. Your fever should not be going up. It is fighting more infection. Please call your doctor today. Please, pretty please?

OK, that settles it. We are renting a house at the beach next summer for a week,you pick the spot and agent and time. we'll call the all girls and brother & sister have a blast of a week! since we didn't make it this year my "batteries" are getting run down. Ah, Yachats....and why do I live in the mountains again?

Great photo's! You could almost smell the veggies! Hope you can turn a corner today with the help of the medicine and get to feeling better real soon!

The produce looks amazing, would love to have stuff like that here in NC! Hope you feel better soon!

I have never been to Oregon. I must add it to the places I want to vacation, someday! What beautiful scenery and a fabulous farm stand. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. :) Get Well QUICK. Hugs....

Yummmmm! Those veggies look sooooo good! Hope you get feeling better pretty darn quick!

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