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My husband has the same thing..."barking" his head offf....get somegood meds! !!get well soon!!!

Feel better soon!

Oh no! Sorry you're under the weather! Hope you're feelin' fin in no time! :)

That musta' been some kind of vacation!! Glad you got back to the farm safe, and sorry to hear you're not feeling well. That Alan, he's da' man!!!! Hope you are feeling much better real soon, my friend!

Feel better soon! :)

Snuffle,blow,snuffle...Glad you had agood time on vacation---and be sick when you have to go back to work. Didn't know you were paying attention when I was telling you the rules about working. Thank you Alan for being her nurse--she is a whiner...Love, MOM

All that hot Texas air you've been breating just collided with the wet cold air of Washington - bit of a shock to the ole lungs. Hope you're up and around soon hon.

So sorry you are feeling bad. Hope you are better soon. Thank goodness for Alan. Hugs.

Feel better soon, Anna. Drink lots of liquids and stay in bed or on the couch. You'll be yourself again in no time.

Anna, bronchitis is definitely not something to take lightly. I imagine it's difficult resting when you live on a farm and there's always something else to do -- kudos to wonderful Alan!

I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling sickly! Ick!
I am glad that Alan takes good care of you. Of course, I am certain that Miss Daisy and Mr. Farley would take him to task if he slacked off. :-)
{{{Sending big hugs your way}}} for a speedy recovery!
Take care my friend,

Icky - feel better soon. Planes are certainly good places for hatching bugs and catching:-(.

I'm on Day 12 of that junk...BAAAAAAD cough...hubby has it now too, but of course, he's SICKER. Blaming me, too. Let's all get well SOON. Holidays are coming up!! XOXOXO

Until Scotty can start beaming us around, we are stuck using those nests of contagion to fly around. I get sick every time I fly anywhere. Glad you have a keeper to take care of you.

Oh, you have my utmost sympathy, since I've just gotten over a mild bout of bronchitis (souvenir from England). Happy speedy recovery!

It's probably the shock your lungs received from having better air. I hope you are well soon and that they give you some nice pills for the pain. My lungs are hurting in empathy for you. (((((hugs)))))

Boo. :( Hope you feel better soon, my friend!

Ooooh Anna - what a drag. Bronchitis is no fun at all. None at all any! Shall I send you my nebulizer? Rest up, my friend.

Feel better soon. Hugs.

Hmmm I think you have arrived home with a bug from your travels before! So glad to hear that Alan is a good care giver, too. (I say he really is a keeper) LOL. Feel better very soon and big hugs...

Hope you feel better soon.

Hope you're feeling better soon Anna!!

Awww, hope your at back up and attem' soon! No fun being sick...

Oh, that's no fun at all. Glad you've got a good caregiver. :0) Looking forward to your photos. I enjoyed the "Copic" girls photos on FB this morning.

Not exactly the travelers report I was hoping for, thankfully you're back where it started from, ill but alive! It must have been a hellova party before the flight. Nothing that a little alka seltzer and in 12 hours some chicken soup. (Dont say chicken soup to loudly around the house) Love, Dad

Oh no, get better my friend!


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