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Do it, do it, do it! Your photos are so good, they should be shared with as many people as possible.

Love the ones you show and think you need to include one with one of your pictures of the Texas bluebells (blue bonnets?)on it - those were beautiful!

ABSOLUTELY, you should sell your photos! They would make PERFECT post cards, and I'm SURE they will sell wonderfully!!! I'd buy them ALL! Your photography is stunning, and I'm sure others will love it, too. GO FOR IT!!! :D

I'd buy them! :)

You go girl!!! What a wonderful idea. I sold greeting cards with my photos in local gift shops for awhile, flowers, birds (no chix or horses here) Postcard is a terrific idea..be sure to tell us...it would be a neat scrapbook thing too...show your local store....!!!!!

DO IT!!!!!! They are beautiful!

Your photos will make beautiful post cards! I would buy them in a heartbeat!

Great idea Anna. Your photos are beautiful!

Yes! Anna, you are a terrific photographer and the world needs to know it!

Go Girl Go.

As far as I'm concerned it's a no brainer...You are by far the best phtographer i've ever seen...put them on your ETSY shop too...so we can buy them.

Oh my yes!! Your photos are incredible! Have you ever thought of doing a book of photos with a few little stories or captions? Maybe toss in a few recipies etc. The world of marketing is just wide open for your talent!!

You should definitely sell them! Your photos are so beautiful! :)

I know that I would both love to give and get one of your beautiful photos on a postcard. You should definitely DO IT!!

With your talent & beautiful photos it's a no brainer. I'm sure even the locals would like a few.

DEFINITELY! I'd buy 'em!

Do it!

Yes! Do it! I would buy them if I went to Texas. That makes me think of a post card my mom bought when we were kids, and dad was transferred to the east coast and we were driving across the nation...it was a kinda cartoon picture of a car driving across the state of Texas (map) and it said "the sun has riz, the sun has set, and here we is in Texas yet!" I like yours better!!

I say get your artistic abilities out there however you can, whether it is stamping, coloring, illustrating, sewing, photography, Christmas ornaments and everything else you do so well. You're a professional no matter what you do!


Awesome idea! Beautiful!

This is a no-brainer. In addition to selling locally, you should also be selling at visitor's centers, truck stops and the like. Make sure you put information on the back so the ppl receiving them know what is in the photo. Look at other postcards to see who made them and had them printed so you can contact them. And for the more widespread ones, obviously, you'd need a more basic label on the front. In the larger venues, these would sell as larger postcards for a higher price. I'm also thinking refridgerator magnets. They are the sorts of things that ppl like me will by since they are made locally and are affordable souvenirs. (sp?)


Barbara in Bellflower

I think it's a great idea and I'm sure they will do well, your photos are beautiful!

They should sell like hotcakes! Last fall when my cousins visited from CA they where disappointed not to be able to find many postcards at all. They especially wanted something from IA ( or whatever place they where visiting. ) Great idea. Good Luck. Hugs...

That would be lovely. I hope I am near a store you choose to sell from.

What a great idea and I can already see the chicken images on the postcards. Place me first in line to buy some when you do.

I think they will sell very well. Beautiful.

What a wonderful idea! Your photos are so beautiful, and really are such a nice reflection of Texas. They'll be a hit, for sure! :)

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