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That must be what sunflowers look like in hell...right??!!! burned to a crisp!!!
Yes, you WILL be basking in sunshine when many of us are still shoveling snow. That's the ONLY consolation I can think of for the horrible summer you have endured! :P
I wouldn't think even a silly grasshopper would enjoy those pathetic sunflowers :(

Oh my those Sunflowers look so sad. I'm sad for you and them. It's been a "dry" summer here but things have not dried up. So here is a link to shttp://wishesdreamsandotherthings.blogspot.com/2011/09/photo-art-friday-2.htmlome happier sunflowers:

That last close-up of those grasshoppers was amazing. - It's spitting drops of rain here off and on today but nothing major.

Noooooo...not the once beautiful sunflowers!! Did I stumble upon the right blog? This is Anna Wight's page right? The one, and I quote, who says, "THIS IS A FAMILY BLOG"! Horny grasshoppers?! LOL!!!

EGADS!!! Stop those hoppers from mating!! Now I have the willies...

Keeping positive thoughts is an art form of epic proportions for many folks....What I find missing is the subzero temps and high winds blowing snow sideways around the sunflower patch. That just shows folks what I am used to when the sunflowers look like that around here. As for the grasshoppers....I know people like that.... (oblivious) Happy Monday!....Love, Dad

This is so sad. Your video yesterday showed nothing but brown as well. I hope your garden STAYS well next year!

Oh no! So sad! Hopefully next year you will have a better crop!

Are those grasshoppers considered pornographic? LOL

So sorry to see your beloved sunflowers looking so bad. Okay so I will forgive you for sending happy springtime pics when we are freezing our butts ofF !!! Hugs...

You set me to giggling! I do get crazy when your garden is popping out all over and I'm still wallowing in the snow!! Have a great week!

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