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Fabulous! I can tell that you are about 10x faster at coloring and making cards than I am, even factoring in the speeded-up video. And it makes me happy to watch you color and shade, color and shade, blend and color and shade, etc. That's why your coloring is so outstanding! I can't believe you freehand cut your tags and they come out so perfectly! I have to be very careful, or mine look like Charlie Brown tags. Thank you for the video! I think I see a couple more to watch--yay!

Anna, I loved watching this so much! I loved to see the card come together and how it looked at the end. I really liked the tracing wheel, I was actually thinking about that because I used to sew all the time and this would look great on cards! I'd love to see more!

I had my 9 yr old watch this one so he could see how hard you worked and how you made the dimension. He's my budding artist. So he was amazed. :)
Oh, and "Dan"? Is your Dad getting modern now?

Anna, you are too funny -- love the Boxcar Betty smudge! Loved the video too, would love to see more!

This is really great. Thanks for the 3x speed! (Any app I can download to apply to self at stamp desk????)
You have inspired me to be bold about the dark tones in the shadows. They really bring your images to life. Also, I like how you are able to leave highlighted spots open. I always mean to, but manage to colour over them. Your finished card is wonderful too! Thanks for taking the time to make and post the video.

FASCINATING! I loved every stroke of the "pen"! I would LOVE to see more videos like this. It was wonderful to see your coloring technique. It would be great to see how you watercolor, too. Your watercolor cards are SO beautiful! This little Piggy is ADORABLE. Please make more videos for us! :D

I would love to see more of this! It's so cool to watch someone (with skill!) color an image.

Great video!! Wish I had some Copics!

I love this!!!! Your coloring is awesome....and I had my radio on while watching....I'm so glad that there is someone out there that use's glue...instead of tape....I find it a lot more easier...thank you so much for sharing....

This is the cutest pig I've ever seen!

Hi Anna,
I can't get enough of your great pics of your precious animals, I save all of them on my pic and look at them so often as it brings back memories for me too. You take great pics. Keep them coming I never get enough of them. LOL You do a great job.

Love him, Anna! He's right out of the Richard Scarry books from my childhood!

I didn't hum along, but the William Tell Overture was going through my head the whole time! LOL! Thanks for the fun video!

It seems to this old guy that 30 something years of practice and some degree of graphic design training also have a little to do with the process too. Our card galary here at home could use a few more examples for the ever expanding aray of techmiques. However giving up "professional secrets" without compensation..... and a perfect choice of papers! Love, Dan Oh, and how about that fish print shirt card! Youza!

Very cool! Loved the video and Mr. Pigster is so cute!

I enjoyed the speedy version of your fabulous coloring! Did I see a screw holding your tracing wheel together? So you use glue not tape. I go through LOTS of tape, may look into the glue. I thought the smudge was on my computer screen, ala Grandson! Thanks for the fun tutorial, hugs....

Love it! Thanks so much for this, Anna! I also am glad to see I'm not the only one who has to re-tie her bows ;-)

Oh Piggly Wiggly, how I love thee. Won't you marry me?

I thought when i saw the pierced edges that you were actually sewing them... i love that you are just piercing with the tracing wheel.... it gives the illusion of being stitched. you sneak! :) love the card. I have copis on my birthday list, as well as a cart full of stamps from Whipper Snapper. :)

A quick way to get backing off of pop dots is to score each one with your thumbnail once you have one side stuck down. Usually pops up at least one edge for quick removal. Very good video, but please learn how to pause and to narrate. Telling us each color number as you use it would be helpful. Didn't mind the speeded up part. Encore, encore!

Loved the video. More please!

Very fun video! Darling piggy.

An adorable card and so cool to see the video of how you do all the shading. I'm still trying to learn that. Thanks for sharing!

Ummm yes. More pls!!! I just loved it and found it so helpful. Ps..I also was having a fit just watching u trying to remove the backing from the pop dots lol! Xo

Great video! I enjoyed it!

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