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She's awesome, Anna! I would love to be inside your mind when you think these up and draw them. :) P.S. Your dad's naughty post cracked me up.

I am off to check out your new images but I wanted to drop in and tell you that in the August 2011 issue of National Geographic there is a short editorial (including a picture) of a hen that is wearing a hand-knit sweater (pg. 20)!! When my husband saw it he asked if it was yours because I am always laughing at your wonderful pics! Off to see your latest...

So cute!! Love the purse! :)

I thought I recognized those sox. Yup them's mom's favorite pair! And to think Aunty Judy and Larry arrived today! A matched pair of brooms! A day off from the quilt shop the girls are going to a quilt show on Saturday, ( they cant see me from that far away) Yuk Yuk......Love, Dad

I just checked out all of the great new stamps & saw Houdini & Bad Betty! How sweet. Lots of other really fun ones. Thanks.

She is so fun - love the hand bag!

Shame on DAD--he told you about my new commuter car....But, I must say..I look GREAT on it!! Love, MOM

So many cute images, and I love the new farm realistic critters, amazing how they are a stamp! Think I love the cowboy and Houdini ones the best.

I like the way her broom is sagging. That's the way my broom looks, too, when I get on it.
I can usually tell your images on Whipper Snapper, but don't always want to search the entire site. Is there any way to search for your stuff? Even when I click on the info button, it doesn't say who drew the image.
Fall is coming, Fall is coming...verrrrrry slowwwwwwwwwwwwly...

Oh, this is TOO CUTE! Love your colors, she is just perfect! I can't wait to see your new creations. Oh what fun!!! :D

OMG some wonderful new stuff. :) I can usually pick out what is yours. Looks like I will have to mail order or try to find a retailer in the area now that my favorite place has gone out of business. So sad :(
Now back to Whipper Snapper to start my Wish List, hugs...

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