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What an awesome offer! I would LOVE to be entered into the drawing. I so enjoy your beautiful photography around the farm.

I hope I am not too late. I would really enjoy having one of your calendars, and this one is my favorite size.
Thanks for this chance.

Nothing would be finer than to receive one of your calendars. Love living on the farm thru your photos. Happy 4th !

I'd love to win your calendar. Your blog is a little highlight of my day...love the farm updates, great photos and your lovely cards.

Your wonderful site bring me joy each day.
I don't comment often but I read every line and look at every picture closely.
I was raised on a farm till my pre-teens and the chickens were all mine and I love, love, love them.
I now have them as decorations all over my house. lol
I would so love to win this calender.
Keep posting you wonderful farm life photos.
I have a question, a few weeks ago in a video you showed us some of your garden and there were white tomatoes there. Can you tell what kind they are and would they grow in Canada do you think. I have never seen these and they are beautiful.

Anna,I enjoy reading your blog and enjoy your beautiful pictures. You've inspired me to spend more time in my garden this summer, and take pictures of it's progress.
Thanks for offering your calendar as a gift to your faithful readers.

You know me Anna, anything with those adorable chickens, or cows, or roosters (see I've been studying !HA!) I'd love to have. But did I tell you, I have two babies of my own .... a Robin came and built a nest right in the middle of my hanging flower basket. [It hangs outside our front door.] Two days later, two blue eggs were layed ....approx. seven days later two baby Robins were hatched. They are now five days old and growing at an astonishing rate and SOooooo cute. I'll attempt to get a pic of them for you, since you always supply me with my Betty *fix* when I need one :)))
Thanks for the great chance to win !!!

I'd love a calendar. All your photos are wonderful! :)

I would love to win this calendar even though the year is half over!!! Is there a picture of that handsome rooster in it, too?

I live in Texas too Anna and can only imagine how hard it is to keep all the animals and garden looking so good. Love your blog!

I check your blog often ... who wouldn't love those chickens! Your photography is A+. Please count me in on the calendar drawing.

I just love reading your blog! I get so excited when I see new photos of your life on the farm. By the way the chicken coop is coming along nicely! ;) Thanks for the chance to win one of your great calendars!

I'm behind in reading my feeds but this farm girl would certainly love to win your calendar. We no longer have any animals on the farm and I miss them,...well not the taking care of part...to hard on this old lady these days.

I look forward to checking out your blog everyday. I love al of the animals you have on your farm. The snakes I don't like so much. Keep up the good work. Must be tough to breathe fresh air everyday. You are a lucky girl.

Anna, I would love to have this little calender on my desk...I just know your going to have a wonderful harvest, living here in Bullhead City, AZ...well its only been up to 115 degrees already. Thanks so much.


I'd like a chance to win your calendar! Your photos are so amazing...Also looking forward to next year's calendar! Thank you!

Always look forward to opening my email and seeing a post from the farm. Love the pictures and stories. Helps to turn not so sunny days into sunny ones.

I love your blog and would love to win the calendar...I was born & raised on a farm and really miss it. Maybe that is why I enjoy your photographs and blog so much. Thank you.

Happy 4th of July! Thanks for your wonderful blog! I love seeing and reading all about farm life!

i love your blog!! being a city girl, you humble me with all of your earthly talents!! i can't even keep my houseplants alive. i could do without the snake posts!! i hate snakes!! thanks for keeping myself and everyone else on your blog list entertained and informed! happy 4th!!

Neat July page. Would love the calendar-just because it has your photography-thanks for a chance to win.

Hi Anna,
I love getting your updates about life on your farm and crafts of cource...I'd love to have your calendar

Loved the picture. Thank for a chance to win

Your calendar would make the cold winter months alot more bearable!! Beautiful work.

I'm here most every morning but seldom leave a comment. I always love reading about what is going on on the farm! I just love your chickens and of course the calendar is perfect! I'm so happy your garden is producing well....great looking canned goods!

I would love to win the calendar!! I have a perfect place for it!! You have a great blog and I can't wait to see the 2012 calendar.

Oh! Me, me, pick me! -Donkey

If I win, I am framing all of the photos. :)))))))

I never had a chance to order your 2011 calendar but for sure will be purchasing your 2012. I absolutely love your site Anna!!! I'm here almost everyday I think. I hope you and your hubby and all the critters have a happy and safe 4th.

Well, yyyeeesss...I would love to win the calendar. But mostly, I have to tell you I love the pictures of all the farm life there...especially all the babies. And you night like to know, summer has finally arrived in the northwest, but don't say it too loud...Happy Independence Day!!!

I love to get your farm updates so I would really enjoy your calendar. Have a wonderful 4th of July. Celebrate our wonderful country!

Happy 4th of July...almost!
I would love to win your amazing calendar!


Oooh, happy 4th to you, Alan, and all the critters, Anna! I'd love to win the little calendar. I so loving looking at your photos of the farm.

I would love the calendar! So cute. Thanks for the great posts about the farm. I love seeing all the photos! =)

I feel lucky !!! :) Toss my name in the hat and I will be looking to see what you come up with for 2012. Have a fun filled 4th. Hugs...

Love all your farm and garden post! I made your sweet zuchinni relish last year and everyone loved it!!!

i just commented to someone that i have a fetish for organizers/planners/calendars... and 5x8 are my favorite size.... :) And you come along with a give-away! :) Thanks for the chance to feed my fetish!!!

woo hoo!!! Would love to be drawn for this!!! CAn't wait to get my hands on the 2012 calendar when you've got it finished! Keep all the pics/videos coming of life on the farm..LOVE THEM!!!! and the stamping of course...have a great 4th of July!!!

What a lovely calendar! Ooohh yes, I hope you'll choose me! :-) I'm looking forward to learning about the 2012 calendar too! I'm pretty certain I'll need to know how I can purchase one.

Oooooh - the 5x7 size of the calendar is just perfect. So c'mon and pick me! Pick me! Whaddaya say? Huh? Huh?

Looks like I am the first commenter? Wow! I dont think the first one ever wins anything though ... lol. I love your blog and seeing the farm animals ... thanks for the chance to win.

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