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Good riddance to those nasty devils! Those were the same kind that we used to pull off of our tomato plants with pliers when we were little and throw in the burning barrel--ha! Your ducks are so cute thinking the worms are such a treat. :)

Yuckola! But at least the ducks were happy;). Robin

Oh my gosh, I just watched a video of ducks on worm-crack. Boy you white tufted headed duckie was not going to lose out! So sorry about your miserable drought. I was hoping you guys got some rain these past few days. It's in the hundreds where I live in Palmdale, CA, good thing I don't have a garden. Enjoy your videos.

When I was little we had ducks and I remember a year we had a huge problem with junebugs. We'd knock all the junebugs into a big foil pan and then take the pan out to the duck pen. Duck frenzy! LOL =) Lovely memories. TFS!

Ewww i HATE those things. I live in Southern California in a total suburb type neighborhood ... and I had those darn worms in my tomatoes in a tiny co rner of my yard. How do they even get there in the first place? It's not like they crossed the streets to get here !! I think maybe eggs are in the plants when I got 'em ??

Love how your little quackers ate them right up !!!

Boy, did the ducks go after those things!!! That cracked me up! I remember those horrid worms from my childhood; haven't seen any in a long time. There used to be huge worms like that on the tobacco plants that our tenants raised. They were definitely the enemy! Nobody wants a big tobacco leaf with holes in it! :D
Good for you, finding a great end to those little creeps! Have a great weekend, Anna!

ewww..I'm afraid that's what I'll be going home to this week...hubby says the worms have found the tomato plants..hopefully they won't devour all 48 plants before I get a chance to save them!!! not a good garden year I'm finding. Too hot & dry here in Mich...even w/watering.

I have never seeen those worms in person, only in pictures or books. YUCK! Too funny how much your duckies loved them.

I've never seen tomato worms here in Oregon -- good thing, since hubby won't let me have ducks! heh

Yuck! Did they ever get their comeuppance. Duck delicacies - looked like they really enjoyed them. Now if you could just teach them to go over & remove the gross things by themselves. Happy Weekend!

Candy for ducks! Loved the sound of the rooster crowing in the background.

So much fun! Yumm!

Loved your video, but I wanted to see you pull off those other two hornworms remaining on the tomato plant. You're very brave to plant tomatoes. Last year we were so fed up with those stinkin' hornworms that we decided not to plant tomatoes this year. But you know what? I really miss my tomatoes. Great video, Anna. TFS.

Wow, the duckies Loved those! LOL
I always enjoy your videos.
Feel for ya, dealing with the TX drought this year.
Praying rain heads your way soon.
Our past 2 summers have been sooo unbearably HUMID. Bleh

Send ducks!!! The worms have invaded. DH is fighting them BIG time this year. Poor tomatoes. They looked so good. Big and lush and full of green tomatoes. Now there are some that are nearly bare at the top and fruits are beening eaten!
Good Ducks. :) TGIF, hugs...

Blech, worms! Those stupid worms are up here in NH too. So far we haven't seen any yet but I'm sure we will. I guess I need some ducks to feed them to!LOL!

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