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Lucy done good, even though he is not red like his mom.

I just love your blog. I love your cards and all the tidbits about the farm. It is just a wonderful place to visit. Thanks for sharing with us.

That is one cute little calf! Love the big brown eyes and long eyelashes. Lucy should be very proud of herself for having such a cute baby.

Oh, I think he walked up to the cute line and bounded over it!:))))))

Cute doesn't come close - how precious! I can just imagine him "bouncing" to go to Mama, too. How delightful! Thank you!!


He's absolutely adorable! Congratulations on the newest addition to your farm family!

Unbelievably cute! He is SO adorable! You may just have to keep this little guy for a pet! Or maybe a baby daddy! :D Thanks for the pictures. You and Lucy are proud Moms! :o)

Anna, new life is always fascinating. Isn't it? I haven't seen a baby animal yet that isn't cute as can be. Have you thought of a name yet .... besides cutey that is?

Have a great day on the farm.

He just might be the cutest bull calf you have had ever! And that is saying alot. 'Cause all the babies are sweet and precious! Hugs...

Big huge smiles here! He is right off the charts cute!

Way too adorable. I want one! Any name decided yet? Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a great day. Robin B.

OH! MY! WORD!!!! It just doesn't get much cuter! How precious. Well, Anna. These snaps just started my day off with a huge smile. More photos, please! :-)

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