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"We don't want to frow up." how content they look.

Down in front, you're blocking the view!


This IS my good side!!!!

"You lookin' at me? You LOOKIN' at me? YOU lookin' at ME?"



Sit down already! The Moooovie is about to start!

I was thinking "duck duck duck goose" like Debbie!

You talkin' ta me?

AWWWWW.....the good life!

"Would the cow in front please turn around for the camera".

I like Susan's caption. It would make a cute card!

Everybody act normal...she's back with that camera again...

"Naptime is over, everybody up!"

"Don't cha know....we make this cow thing look good!"

My immediate thought was "Lean on Me" but continuing to study the photo I decided on "Don't tell me you're bored! Go out and play." (anticipating moms and summer vacation)
love your blog and all the photos

Bull Sitting. : )

If y'all would moove over, I could lay down too.

The sweetmissdaisy cow family :)

Just a hanging with the gang!

Who Needs Viagra?

The herd is all here.

"I get by with a little help from my friends"
Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!!!

Last one down is OUT!

We are family.......I got all my sistah's with me.

For one I thought of this famous quote. "Here's looking at you, kid." Then I also thought of the gangsta saying "Hey. You lookin' at me?" (Think The Godfather.) :D

Don't even think about making me lay down i'm to old for taking naps. LOve the pictures of your babies

Shh...she's looking...put the type-writter away!!

(Just read "Click, Clack, Moo" the other day to my son).

I'll lay down when I'm ready...shhhhaaaa!

(in total valley girl speak)

okay, I don't care if it's a boy, still in valley girl speak.


I agree with Susan! :) Also, in a farm magazine this month there is an article on Dexters.

80% chance of rain.

"Community meeting!" "Oh sorry this is an in camera meeting you'll have to leave."


Mooooooooove Over!!!!

Just another manic Monday. . .

Wake up everybody! We need to eat before the next nap!

Gloom, despair and agony on me (Hee Haw came to mind)

Pardon me! This is a private conversation!No humans allowed!

Not one step closer...

What you looking at ?

(Love those tiny new horns. They grow up so fast!) hugs to all on the farm, CAROL DEE

"oh, for the lazy days of summer... "

The Shepard

I know you're wondering why I've called this meeting....

How about..."Hieffer Harem". Or "Comfy Cows" or "Cow Community" or "Lazy Life on the Farm" or it could be the cover pic for the Bruno Mars song called "The Lazy Song" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLexgOxsZu0
Either way, they all look like happy cows!!

A roll in the hay is just what the vet ordered.

Mooooove over, I wanna lie down, too.

duck, duck, duck.....goose!

Best Friends Forever!

Babysitter of the year award goes to ......(I forget which one this is :)

Hay harem.

Here's my take
"What's wrong with you lazy bums?"

A Day in the Hay.

Cock of the roost. (Sorry Wiley...)

It looks so comfortable - I think I hit the hay right now. That's not a title. I'm just tired...
Purry greeting from my cats to all of you

"Oh for a little excitement . . . ."

If I were making a card with this photo, I would use "You Stand Out From the Herd!"

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