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I'm amazed you managed to photograph them while they were sitting! Love the beautiful purple feathers on the little guy's neck. Hope you discover a nest of baby hummers! Wouldn't that be FUN?!

Great photos, I just love hummingbirds.Last summer we had a nest in the front yard, and it was so incredibly small.

Awwww - so cute!

I just love hummingbirds. When I lived in the High Desert of California I had a family of hummingbirds living in my yard. They were so precious. When I would come out to water the plants they would sit and watch me. One of Gods amazing creations!

Oh my gosh--can't believe he was still enough for you to shoot! I love the way they flit in and out of our yard!

I've been lucky enough to hold a ruby-throated hummer on 2 different occasions. One got stuck in our garage and I didn't realize it until the next morning. It had gone into basically "sleep mode" to conserve energy. I was able to remove it gently from a window ledge. The previous night was very cold so I held it in my hands to warm it up. When it started reviving I held its beak to the feeder. It started drinking and its little tounge started flicking out. Once it had revived enough and seemed to gather some strength I released it. Another time I found one on the ground. I was able to hold it to the feeder and get it to drink. It also seemed to gain strength and was able to fly off. Those were such amazing experiences!!

I'm sure you are probably aleady aware but just a reminder--keep your feeder very clean so it doesn't grow bacteria and mold. It's especially important in hot weather to clean often.

Must have been a bird-inspired day; my blog post was about birds, too!

I love those little bitty babies - so sweet. Is your life just pure bliss or what? Thanks for sharing with us!

wow! we've never been able to get a photo of our hummingbirds!!

Magnifiques photos, j'adore les colibris.

I think you might have a black chinned hummingbird! Aren't they fun to watch? My sister has MANY ruby throats visit her feeders. They stay all summer. I am lucky to get one or two fly in and out. :( Hugs...

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