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wow! very beautiful, don't think I've ever seen them growing in the fields..only in pots..thnx for the pic...

Yup, just down the road a piece is La Conner, Andrea ( baby sister) would know for sure but I think this is at Roozengard but with many hundreds of acres of tulips and daffies it is one of the most amazing places to go in the spring. surounded by haystack rock islands in the sound and high mountains right down to sea level. They have done Balloon rides over the fields and there is a small plane airport there as well. Salt air, seafood and the smell of zillions of flowers! Love, Dad

I've never seen anything like this! Thank you so much for sharing this so that others like us who live elsewhere and may never get the opportunity, can, through your eyes!!

I have a photo almost exactly like that taken at almost exactly the same time, standing in almost exactly same spot! Oh. . . that's right, we were together. I hope you, and Alan, do make it back here sometime. Tulips are blooming now. . . I stay away from that area, traffic makes me crazier than usual ;o)

All I can say is...Beautiful! I hope to visit a Tulip farm one day. It brings a smile to my face just to see the pic., so I can only imagine it in person.
Thanks for sharing!

Super pretty!

Lovely. Makes me anxious for the flowers here to bloom.Hugs...

very pretty. we're headed out there tomorrow.

How pretty. Is this somewhere in the neighbourhood of LaConner, Washington. I have yet to get to one of their tulip festivals. But they say the area is gorgeous.

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