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I hope you have some way to move all that dirt besides a wheelbarrow and shovels! That will be back breaking labor. (Oh right - that is how we'd do it *ouch*) You luckily live on a farm with TRACTORS, Yeah. I could send you the Girls Track Team... last night they did a rain dance on the bus, thought if it rained they would not have to run. It kind of worked!!! It did rain, but they still had to run HA!
Have a fun weekend, hugs...

That oughta do it. It looks pretty "tight" if you get my drift. but a big shot of fibre loaded manure and some black food coloring will fix 'er right up! I have always liked my dirt black and with lots of straw or fiber to let air in. You for sure have all the makins for a great compost endorsement! That's no Bull either,Yuk Yuk...Love, Dad

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