We'll be moving this to the garden, adding lots of compost for growing power, and doing lots of rain dances for hopes of some rain clouds. Yup, lots and LOTS of rain dances.
The calves watched from a distance in the barnyard, and when the truck pulled away they quickly went to check out the pile. Oooooh, ahhhhhh! DIRT!

I hope you have some way to move all that dirt besides a wheelbarrow and shovels! That will be back breaking labor. (Oh right - that is how we'd do it *ouch*) You luckily live on a farm with TRACTORS, Yeah. I could send you the Girls Track Team... last night they did a rain dance on the bus, thought if it rained they would not have to run. It kind of worked!!! It did rain, but they still had to run HA!
Have a fun weekend, hugs...
Posted by: Carol Dee | April 02, 2011 at 07:20 AM
That oughta do it. It looks pretty "tight" if you get my drift. but a big shot of fibre loaded manure and some black food coloring will fix 'er right up! I have always liked my dirt black and with lots of straw or fiber to let air in. You for sure have all the makins for a great compost endorsement! That's no Bull either,Yuk Yuk...Love, Dad
Posted by: DK Wight | April 01, 2011 at 04:02 PM