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Wow, everything looks great! Did you order your raspberry bushes from Gurneys, also? Need to put some in at the kid's house, not all of theirs survived. They were given to them by a friend, so no big loss except for the yummy berries.

The garden beds look great! You have inspired me to plant some veggies this year. Not sure if they will be in pots on the deck or have an actual garden. The later may be a little too much work for me! The last time I planted (many, many years ago) the deer ate every single plant the first night they were in the ground. Those darn deers! LOL. Take care and have a great Easter. Robin B

Your roosters may be naughty, but they sue are HANDSOME! Your garden looks so lovely! You are inspiring me to remove my son's old play gym and create a garden there in its place!

Green is Good!!!

You have been busy!

Okay, I give up. What's a Juliet plant? Which kind of raspberries? Summer or Fall blooming? Do you know about pruning them? Is this a new plant for you? I noticed the tops of the canes were cut straight across instead of at an angle. Enough lecturing! :) You realize that the roosters are going to get big heads because you have to go to so much work to keep them out of the gardens! lol!

Your garden is beautiful and so are your naughty rooster's!

Mmmmm, your garden is looking good! It's spitting snow here today but hoping the frost is gone in the pea bed this weekend. A little early even for peas but I just can't wait. I'll have to be content with admiring yours for now. Your Mr Roosters are lookin' good today!

Anna, I watched Houston Animal Cops today and thought of you guys -- they raided a bird fighting ring -- and adopted out all the hens (I learned alot about hens), a family farm adopted them and they had the cutest little 2 year old in the cutest little "wellies" out feeding, watering, and collecting eggs -- it was just SO cute! Your garden looks good!

Hi Anna! Your garden is already lush and growing so I'll hope you get some rain soon :) And those crazy frizzle chickens of yours are SOOOoooo cute! BTW, how is Tiny Tim doing? ♥ ♥

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