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Wow . . . Anna . . . Snail's Space put your link in a comment on my blog regarding my 2 chickens and I have spent a very pleasant half an hour or more reading through YOUR blog. I am particuarly interested in your chickens as I keep 2 of the little garden trashers myself! Love 'em to pieces (even when they're naughty).

LOVE your chicken designs for Whipper Snapper . . . may have to order some!

Hugs, Sandra

Wow!! you even get to wear shorts already!!! We're jealous here in Vancouver, Canada Missy! Your garden is going to look soooo Country when its done !

Very impressive! some folks may not know that the soil around Milford is a cross between concrete and wallpaper paste depending how much water is added at one time. Making your own topsoil seems a no brainer when you know that. I like my raised beds about 2 1/2 ft tall, It's a snap to pick strawberries and zuchini when it's already knee high at planting! my old back isn't what it used to be.... har! har!........Love, Dad

Boy oh boy have you been busy! You're sure going to have a lot of goodies in a few months. Loved the pics of the Dexters. Happy Monday.

Am jealous! You have so much space! Will enjoy living life as a grower via your pics! x

Anna,,just curious why you do the raised beds instead of a regular garden? let me in on any great secrets/hints, cuz we may have to try the raised beds here in Michigan...

Ahhhhhhh, so much nicer to watch you work than do it myself. :)))))))

FANTASTIC!!!You all really accomplished a lot this weekend! I can't wait to see the new green stalks poking thru the ground~~the start of something wonderful to munch on! :D
Thanks for sharing your garden with us. It is going to be great, and I'm very envious! I've always wanted to do raised beds, and maybe someday I can, too....but for now, I'll enjoy seeing yours, and the fantastic things you harvest! :D Have a great week!

Even with a tractor and three adults that is a lot of work done in one day! It is looking great. LOVE the old boards. We are waiting for a lumber sale to get wood for a few more raised beds. Will tell DH to see if there is any salvage lumber around. I am getting anxious to start into flower beds and garden. Soon... hugs...

Amazing amount of work, you three! Great job! Won't it be fun to see those raised beds just FULL of plants and produce?! Love the old boards!

Great job on your raised beds-think how much more you will be able to raise and freeze or can!!

Anna, your beds are starting to look great. Hopefully I can get out and work some on my beds this next week. The weather is finally warming up enough to be enjoyable outside. I think the snow is finally gone for good. It's supposed to be near 70 today but back down in the 40s tomorrow for highs.

Have a great garden preparation day.

Great progress! Lot's of work getting the garden ready but so worth it when you sit down to eat the yummies this winter!

Wow! You did work hard. Lookin' good!

Wow! That's impressive progress!!!

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