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I absolutely loved this post! It caught my eye seeing your goat jumping up! When I married my husband I became the owwner of a goat! He was such a lovely pet, I even wrote a book about him!
Please visit:http://sunshinelollipopsandbutterflies.blogspot.com/2009/08/hot-august-night.html to have the story of my Dennis book!
Thank you for the post!

Oh my goodness! That Callio-Pea is out of control! Such fun and funny photos. I especially love the one of Toad sleeping on the cattle chute--he's such a beautiful kitty.

How fun! It is just a pleasure to see what all your critters are up to. I chuckle every time I read about Bad Boxcar Betty. Callio-Pea was in fine form and Toad just looks exhausted (ease up on him)LOL!
Have a wonderful day.

Toad has the best idea, a nap in the sunshine and out of the way! Nice Legs Alan *wink* :) So cold here today. Looking forward to shorts weather. As usual there is never a dull moment around the farm. Have a fun Friday, hugs...

Loved this post. It gets an A+ and you get a little adhesive gold foil star to wear home on your lapel today. Remember those?

I just love your posts about the antics at your farm. Animals bring us so much joy and entertainment, don't they!?!

I love the little CENSORED tag! Your animals are just too cute!

I always love your barnyard pictures. Animals are so funny and I love seeing their different personalities! Thanks for sharing this.

Aaaah, well, I guess it's my turn to report snow. It's not usual to have snow in March but it came as a surprise. I'm not sure the weathermen even predicted it. It was only about two inches and in a couple days it will be gone. It's really just what we needed here as the ground was starting to get dry. The March snows are always so wet and sloppy. These kinds of snows soak into the ground entirely with hardly any run off as would happen with rain.

It's always fun to watch animals trying to establish the pecking order in the barnyard. Some could really give hoot and others it seems pecking order is a most important thing.

Have a great barnyard animal day.

I positively LoVe seeing the barn yard antics. Poor Toad...you work him so hard! LOL (He looks exactly like my Tango who is usually found in a similar repose!)

It is so hard for me to imagine the heat you are having right now! We still can't get above freezing and are having flurries again as I type. I want to play in my garden!! (sigh...it ain'ta gonna happen for a long time.)

Keep the photos coming! Such fun!

LOVE the barnyard friends photos!!! the cat pic is so precious!!!

Leave it to Betty to "wink" at the camera. I guess you better get all the "spring" yard work done before the triple digit temps show up next week. Lots of action too I see, you shoulda shot a video of her dancing and bull bopping.....Love, Dad

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