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I love these two cards very much. The colors of the cards are awesome. In both the cards the first one is very nice.

This little boy card is SO very cute! I'm sure they will LOVE it...and I have to go look at the link to your quilt. I'm sure I will be envious! hehe
Sorry about the horror of the wisdom teeth...I had mine cut out in college, too. I will always remember that day, as well! YUCK! I hope you do GREAT with your extraction, and the following recovery. Here's a big H*U*G to you, and tell Alan to take VERY good CARE of YOU!!! :D

Oh what a darling "dude" he is.
Ouch on the dental work. I never get sick on the stuff they give me but I've had some not so good luck with dentist in my time. I'm still not 100% from the Lingual Nerve incident last September. Good Luck.
Loved your dad's entry.

Well, I love all your posts - I just don't comment as often as I should :) But I have to go brush my teeth now...just because you reminded me not to take my teeth for granted. I also had my wisdom teeth taken out in college, but was living at home, so I got to rest up with both parents around. I remember the chipmunk cheeks from the swelling, but not much pain. And I didn't get sick because I was never given anesthetic - just novocaine!!!! Yes, I was awake for the whole thing and that may seem even grosser.

This is adorable! Hope all goes well with the oral surgeon

Well, I just love everything about this post except the fact that you have to have dental work done. No fun. We should swap urping stories someday. In the words of the author James Herriot, I'm a champion "womiter."

Now on to the fun stuff. That card is absolutely fabulous! He looks about the age of a certain little someone who lives at our house. And I love his name!

And then there's Preston . . . he is adorable! Love, love, love his precious face and little rolls of pudge! The quilt you gave him is darling.

Hope all goes well next week. You should do lots of stamping from now until then to calm your nerves. Maybe Alan should stamp too. ;-)

Oh my god! The stories I could tell, I have a very funny story I could tell, but wont here, about this. Those young men are still part of our lives. I will say that Anna's dorm room was NOT on the ground floor,no elevator, and very tight spiral stair cases. She, like mom is very easily "overdosed" by all meds, Yup the dentist on campus knocked her out big time. I was driving a very cute but small car for work. Think "wheelbarrow" to the dorm and then up the corkscrew tower and into her room........ An hour later......I could have made a fortune with THE MOVIE!!!! College in a small town school is just the best, best way to make friends for life. Anna was a R.A. (room advisor) for the girls dorm and the male R.A.'s were always very protective of all the students on campus,making family like situations the norm. What a riot.....WOW... thanks for the memories....Love, Dad P.S. "M" had a great time at her college too, (so did I)

Please make sure to tell the anesthesiologist, the nurses, and the surgeon that you don't do well with anesthesia. They should be able to give you a little extra sumthin sumthin to prevent the post surgery nausea. It works wonders on me. Best of luck.

I loe your card Anna. Darling card and love the baby blanket. The little boy is so sweet. You are a lady of many, many talents.

Implants are the way to go! I had to have one several years ago and it was virtually painless, really easy and probably the most pleasant trip to the dentest EVER! I am a whimp when it comes to the dentist and by the end of the process I was joking about how I could get more implants done.

Good luck!

Glad you will have Alan after your oral surgery. Having one's sweetie around to commiserate is good. Cute little dude, too!

Where do I start?
The card is so cute as is baby Preston. :) The blanket you sent is perfect, so very ANNA. :) I am partial to boys (you know) I have 2 sons and 2 grandsons. :)
Eldest son knocked out his two front teeth in a roll over accident when he was 17. He has implants for front teeth. We/he are very happy with them even 13 years later.
I hope, hope, hope this will be less GROSS than the wisdom teeth. :)

Cute little dude!! And I hope all goes well with your teeth... For any work I have done I don't get freezing... But I know there will come a day when I will have to... Don't look forward to THAT!!

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