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Enjoying your videos, but you oughta narrate a little. I'm not familiar enough with the animals to know who I'm looking at, just that it must be Calliope and Box Car, but not sure which. Whine, whine, whine.

I loved this video. The goats and ducks and kitties are all so cute. Thanks for sharing.

I thought you were back to that sweater knitting thing again like you did for Tiny Tim! The one duck looks like she has a little brown cape, so cute! Those goats are such HAMS, ha! Thanks for sharing, Anna! PS...My black lab Olive started barking when she heard the Betty bleating :)

Thank you, Anna, for sharing your life at the farm with us. I always love getting your updates. We have lots of snow here in North Georgia - everything is closed!! Enjoy!

I love seeing the snowy farm, Anna! I especially enjoyed hearing the goats and seeing their faces up close.

You should have been singing a Christmas carol while you videoed! We have cold Arctic air again but no snow in the forecast until Wednesday here in Vancouver BC...it sure looks pretty there on the farm!

Oh the kitties at the end are adorable!!..and smart! LOL
Love Sweet Pea and Betty. Thanks for sharing....hope all the critters are going to be OK over night :-)

Oh, you have more than we do up here in Wisconsin. Of course, it will be gone long before ours is too.

Oh, what fun! I loved seeing the goats running to greet you (hoping for a treat, I'm sure!). We have had a little snow in Seattle today, and they are expecting "significant" snow on Wednesday. I love it IF I don't have to drive in it. Enjoy!

Oh, how nice to see video! :)))) Man, Callipea is much bigger than she looks in photos. Isn't the snow gorgeous? And, bonus, no heat stroke! Woo Hoo!

I knew what the ducks were thinking. They were thinking, "Hey, we want to go ice skating! Why doesn't that funny big duck (you) take us to a pond to skate?"

The chickens are the smart ones! Boy is that stuff sticking :) Great shot of the cattle dashing through the snow! The ducks don't seem to mind it. But the cats look so comfy. Hugs to all down on the farm.

I, too, like seeing the animals doing waht animals do, and dealing with the snow. Love the kitties at the end!

You're having a snow storm! We had some light snow this morning, with more promised tonight. Ryan giggled at the ducks waddling through the snow and waggling their tail feathers. :)

that was fun to watch.....the quiet beautiful snowfall and farm animals....thanks for sharing the video

Thanks for sharing the sights and sounds of life on the farm! Love snow, but HATE the cold!

It was sooooo nice to see your animals "animated"! Thank you and a warm, comforting hug to all of them from Berlin (where the snow is melting now. But I'm sure, it will come again. I love it!) Andrea

That is just wild Anna! You got more snow than we got here in MA even though they were predicting it all weekend!

I'm from East Texas so I have to say that I would be hiding in the chicken coop with the chickens. LOL! I don't do cold weather and I felt the cold just by watching the video! TFS

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