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Just thought of something!!!!
*Look Ma, no cavities.(*

They are all great captions. I can't think of anything to add! Just love it. Really funny photo. I have never seen all of a cows teeth before!

"Because I saaaaid so, that's why!"

Did you see that??

I love your blog, especially the goats :)

"That bull said he was just being friendly".

"That's close enough for a good look at my sweet new popsicle!"

"Momma said there'd be days like this!" :D

"Now, that's what I am talkin' about!"

"Ya'll come back now, ya here!"
I want to be a stamping-farmer just like you one day! Love your work and your animals!

Not sure about a caption but does anyone else think that there is a resemblance to Oprah Winfrey here? I know weird huh?

OK Honey, it's just us girls for the day, let's get our nails done!

I am so NOT a farm girl!

I said "That is close enough!"

"Whatever you do, just stay away from that Boxcar Betty."

Look out world, here we come!

HEY! wait up.

Martha, fer pete's sake, wait up! I've got a toddler here.

Back away from my baby!!

Stay away from my baby!!!

Don't mind that lady right there, baby... she always has that thing on her face... but she feeds us so it's ok.

Back off I said!

"mama told me there'd be days like this"

I didn't read the other comments...hopin' no one else already wrote this! : )

Where's the hay??

Super cute photos Anna!

"Moooove on! There's nothing to see here."

O....KLAHOMA where the ..
or maybe "I said what I mean , and I meant what I said"
" See Anna, I did brush my teeth this morning""

Old bull said to young bull....


When I was your age....

"I have these teeth and gums and I'm not afraid to use them!"

AAAANNNNNAAAAA......come see my new baby!

Beautiful new baby. I love your blog.

...and don't come back until you can treat her like a LADY!

Clearly Pixie is saying "Back off crazy camera lady!!" :)

Mooooooo-ve over, ladies, I now have THE cutest calf on the farm!

"Step away from the baby!"

Such a great photo! It looks like momma cow is singing--maybe "Yes sir, that's my baby"? Ha ha! They're really pretty cows--they look so clean, like you just gave them baths, which I know did NOT happen in 20ish degree weather :)

Take that, Old Man Winter!

"I said go to your room, junior!"

Hey Miss Anna, Look what I've got.....

Don't mess with me and my baby......

Grab me by the horns. Triple Dog Dare ya.

Love all your farm pics. So precious. Hugs.

Hey, Lady with the camera ... back off!

So there!! Did I surprise ya?

Hurry Mom, the farmer lady has cow cookies! Step it up!

Na na.....I did it without your help, so there.

Na-na-na-na-na. My baby's prettier than yours!

Hey, look what I have! I did it!

Everybody duck...Mama's gonna sneeze!

Mooooove back from my baby!

Moo. ;)

"Just pour the coffee and slowly back away..."

What an adorable baby, and a beautiful mom. And what a good farmer-lady you are, Anna. Thanks for sharing with us!! God bless all creatures great and small! xoxo Jeanne in cold and snowy (also) Idaho

My baby can moooon walk!

P.S. They really resemble each other in the face!

Go, tell it on the mountain - that my new calf is born!

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